
300511: Galerie Anzenberger Rimaldas Viksraitis & Martin Parr - The Real World

Galerie Anzenberger Rimaldas Viksraitis & Martin Parr - The Real World 25.03.11 to 31.05.11 Truth, Beauty, Photography As long as we don't fumble around pedantically with the word "true" and titillate and poke at its true content, whether it has to contort and loll around to protect its full meaning from our enquiries - as long as we demur to waive such irritations aside, we may safely assume that photography is a veritable medium. All that is fictitious - women's legs and women's skin and also the French President's waist that years ago we saw naked when he was boating - is not a photographic achievement but a result of Photoshop. We could say that photography - illuminated subject matter seen through the lens of the real world - doesn't lie but rather speaks the truth. Or we visit "The real world", an exhibition in the Anzenberger Gallery with works by Martin Parr and Rimaldas Viksraitis. In Martin Parr's pictures, as well as in those of Rimaldas Viksraitis, we see people. Martin Parr shoots the summer respite in Brighton 1985 very colorfully - you've never seen such green ice cream. The pictures tell of heat and melting, the relentlessly long solar radiation, the sweat, the exhaustion caused by noise and longing because the summer holiday is always the last that one has and can enjoy in the year, and cause scattered chips, fast food rubbish, and dirty children. It's really nice to be able to experience all this without having to smell it - its beautiful and sad because of it lacks the heat, smell and noise. This summer is over. Rimaldas Viksraitis shoots scenes from the Lithuanian countryside in black-and-white. It's a very bucolic country, a country where celebrations are wild, in which geese run free on the roads, where there are no cars, where no traffic lights regulate the traffic, where no mobile phones ring, but rather where people speak, quarrel, eat, drink, cuddle, smoke, go to bed and much more. There are naked people in some of the pictures and they look truly naked, not as if they had been paid for doing this, not as if they wanted to sell something and not as if the pictures had been reworked in order to be more appealing. They are naked and merry, they laugh and look as if they are doing so, as if their lives are good, even if they have to sleep on the wooden floor fully dressed and sprinkled with flies. Strictly speaking, they look as if they were acting in a genial mystery play and, with generous obliviousness, were allowing the photographer to take part in it. Rimaldas Viksraitis must have charmed them in an unprecedented way to do this. We also say that two and two make four. Two cucumbers and two apples are not by any means four fruits. Two great photographers who are successfully and intimately presented don't constitute four great eyes and hands familiar with a camera. But there are definitely more than four pictures to be seen in which the true life of the human zoo is convincingly beautiful, to be laughed at, to be cried about - to be beautiful. We don't need to speak about true art when we can actually see it. By Gesche Heumann Exhibition catalogue available: The Real World by Martin Parr & Rimaldas Viksraitis Text: Thomas Weski Kaunas Photography Gallery 2010 ISBN: 978-609-95146-1-1 € 40,- (signed € 65,-) 700 copies Anzenberger Gallery 1050 Wien, Zeinlhofergasse 7 Tel: +43-1-587 82 51 Fax: +43-1-587 90 07 E-mail: gallery@anzenberger.com http://www.anzenbergergallery.com
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Anzenberger Gallery
1100 Wien, Absberggasse 27 (ehemalige Ankerbrotfabrik)
Tel: +43-1-587 82 51, Fax: +43-1-587 90 07
Email: gallery@anzenberger.com
Öffnungszeiten: Mi - Sa 12-18 h

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