
070211: ZKM – Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Elmgreen & Dragset. Celebrity – The One & The Many 07.11.10 until 27.03.11

ZKM – Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Elmgreen & Dragset. Celebrity – The One & The Many 07.11.10 until 27.03.11 Sparkly and Seltzers No doubt, Asian TV-program, wok and rice cooker, this must be Family Wang’s kitchen. Next door, on the ground floor, you can peep into a bachelor household’s vaguely charming living room, where nicotine and alcohol played a significant role - does Anton Pilz live here? In one of the upper floors one can identify Britta Schmidt’s treatment room, where – as the signboard at the entrance promises - all sorts of massages are offered. Ten parties live in the prefabricated building and after having read the names on the doorbells, one begins to assign them floor by floor, press one’s nose against the windows or make use of the readily prepared binoculars on the two upper floors. Subsidized housing as a large-scale sculpture, fictitious interior as a narrative window. And for heavens sake, why do we concentrate on such irrelevant lifestyle worlds? In the midst of the atrium of the ZKM in Karlsruhe, the Scandinavian artist duo Elmgreen & Dragset created a four-storey prefabricated building. While one moved amidst collector’s rooms at the last Biennial in Venice, possibly considering the purchase of one of the households - all of a sudden one is interested in virtually bourgeois unglamorous existences. Only a few steps separate the prefabricated building from a private ballroom. The bronze waiters - a waitress, wearing an apron and a bonnet, and the butler, making sure that there are no party crashers. Merely the son of the house, whose portrait hangs above the mantel, cowers beneath it. The fireplace is just as cold as the emotional environment of the young boy in his school uniform, that’s the message. The Prada showroom in the desert, the trailer, tearing a crater in the luxurious floor of Vittorio Emanuele’s Gallery in Milan or the gold-plated equestrian rider of a young boy on a rocking horse, which – as recently announced – will decorate the Fourth Plinth at London’s Trafalgar Square in the Olympic year 2012. The majority of Elmgreen & Dragset’s are characterized by their poignant humour. However, at the ZKM the artist duo appears to have been caught up in their own assiduously exhibited clichés. What do the prefabricated building and the VIP party have in common? We must stay outside. But did we want to enter in the first place? By Daniela Gregori ZKM – Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie 76135 Karlsruhe, Lorenzstrasse 19 Tel.: +49 721 8100 0 Email: info@zkm.de http://www.zkm.de
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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ZKM - Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie
76135 Karlsruhe, Lorenzstraße 19
Tel: +49-721-8100-0
Email: info@zkm.de
Öffnungszeiten: Mi - Fr, 10-18 Uhr | Sa - So, 11-18 Uhr

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