
100111: Konzett Wien: Christian Eisenberger – IMG3171PSD

Konzett Wien: Christian Eisenberger – IMG3171PSD 10.12.10 – 29.01.11 Amalgamated amusement Zeus, the Thunder God, had the edge over all men of the ancient world: he was the head of all Gods and could not only afford his love life on account of his sparkling wit and his doe-eyed wife, but actually enjoy it to the full. His bolts of lightning must have been dreadful and exciting. Nevertheless, Klimt depicted Zeus as a Shower of Gold over Danae - who seemed rather enchanted. Pollock refined the drippings as black and white rain and no longer needed Danae, and in his exhibition at the Konzett Gallery, Eisenberger also drips, massively, onto large and small canvases, large piles of paper, smaller piles of paper, dolls… with paint, glue, foils, spray cans, Edding - fixed onto very diverse materials. In collages he mixes numerous images both naked and dressed with other pictures and forces astronauts to appear like naves and silhouettes of cars like intestines. The smaller objects, such as the installation of two tubes of glue in front of a tube lid frozen in glue, tubes sitting across from each other on small wooden benches or the bicycle handlebar with horns, bells, and lights together with the bill for these items remind of lightning as seen in art history or by Picasso, Duchamp and Camille Claudel. Drawings can be found on mirrors and Plexiglas and the most beautiful one is attached on the underside of the lowest drawer and can be looked at and enjoyed without being recognized as it is mirrored in a foil that obscures the lines. In order to create a space of perception it is interesting to rouse the invisible. The majority of the large paper collages are mounted onto a roll, requiring the onlookers to unwind the roll – and those who don’t have enough muscle power will never see most of the collages. But for two pictures in the large room one doesn’t have to sweat. The portrait format shows the stenciled figure 14 and the Ganymede motive, in which Zeus – as an eagle - transports the infant Ganymede. On the landscape print there are two ghost faces in front of some refreshing greenery. The large installation includes all kinds of personnel: five concrete rolling stools, sprinkled legs and heads, sprinkled breathless male dolls, brooms in concrete stockings, an enthusiastic projection wall, a fishing rod with three large birds and a baby, a waist-high fence-like cage with fur and a hatch, a three-legged bicycle fruit basket, a bicycle handlebar with four mirrors. No one would ask Zeus what his actions meant to achieve. Thunderstorms are known to be difficult to understand but easy to enjoy. One can hope to interpret the lightning or to sneeze or to tinkle with ones eyelashes. One doesn’t have to deal with Christian Eisenberger’s works in any other way, and one may amuse oneself. By Gesche Heumann Konzett Wien 1010 Vienna, Spiegelgasse 21 Tel: +43 664 34 01 677 Fax: +43 1 513 01 04 Email: gallery@artkonzett.com http://www.artkonzett.com Opening hours: Tue – Fri: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sat: 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Konzett Wien
1010 Wien, Spiegelgasse 21
Tel: +43 (0)664 34 01 677, Fax: +43 (0)1 513 01 04
Email: gallery@artkonzett.com
Öffnungszeiten: Di - Fr: 10:00 - 18:00, Sa: 11:00 - 16:00 Uhr

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