
100111: Kunstraum Bernsteiner: Sylvia Eckermann: Naked Eye

Kunstraum Bernsteiner: Sylvia Eckermann: Naked Eye 01.12.10 – 22.01.11 In the center of the room With her multimedia installation “Naked Eye” the artist Sylvia Eckermann succeeds in transforming the Kunstraum Bernsteiner into a video- and soundscape, which evokes moments of the subconscious in an interdisciplinary synopsis of illustrative and audio components. On ten projection screens of various sizes, with Swarovski crystals incorporated in their surface to increase the picture’s intensity and brightness, three different videos are beamed creating a chain of narration of picture elements, which leaves it up to the viewers to develop their own ideas. Peter Szely’s sound carpet was commissioned especially for the works presented and flows into the room that was furnished with a dark green carpet, which turns into a deep black on the wall, as a meditative composition that allows one to emerge into the pictures; this in turn induces a lingering in the newly created artistic world far beyond the actual length of the projected video. The pictures center on silhouette-like depictions of body images (photographed by the artist’s son while washing his hands) to the rendering of skull parts and horizontal signal lines that flow from the top down across all projection levels and thereby evoke a synchronicity of the image parts in an ontologic-spiritual white. Individual parts of the image overlap on the different projection surfaces - this leads to an overall composition in which the viewers attempt to identify the individual parts of the happening, respectively the digitally generated and projected content. Eckermann succeeds in creating a precisely constructed and composed world, tailored specifically for the Kunstraum Bernsteiner, allowing for an art experience that goes far beyond everyday reality. By Walter Seidl Kunstraum Bernsteiner 1020 Vienna, Schiffamtsgasse 11 (Courtyard) Tel: +43 664 307 70 97 Email: mail@friendsandart.at http://www.friendsandart.at Opening hours: on request
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Kunstraum Bernsteiner
1020 Wien, Schiffamtsgasse 11 (Hof)
Tel: +43 664 3077097
Email: mail@friendsandart.at
Öffnungszeiten: Mi-Fr 16-19 h

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