
111010: Salzburger Kunstverein, Künstlerhaus Roman Ondák – Before Waiting Becomes Part of Your Life

Salzburger Kunstverein, Künstlerhaus Roman Ondák – Before Waiting Becomes Part of Your Life 23.09.10 – 28.11.10 Stories about waiting Roman Ondák’s orchestrated queue has now arrived at the Salzburg Kunstverein. In the performance “Good Feelings in Good Times”, people gathered to stand in line at various art sites, but in Salzburg the metaphor of waiting is displayed in a documentary presentation with 24 glass showcases and two video projections. The exhibition in Salzburg deals with the consequences of Ondák’s successful performance, which was even shown at London’s Tate Collection as the first immaterial artwork, following its premiere in 2003 at the Kunstverein Cologne and the Frieze Art Fair in 2004. Disconnected from the direct influence of the artist, “Good Feelings in Good Times” started to lead a life of its own, which the artist documented by collecting publications about the performance. The catalogues and magazines are presented in glass showcases, constructed by the artist using modified table frames, boards, and handmade Plexiglas covers. These hybrid objects, randomly but nevertheless precisely positioned throughout the room, are complemented by two videos showing a woman with two boys practicing the art of queuing as a singular group in a public space. Frozen into their respective media, the queues in “Before Waiting Becomes Part of Your Life” conjure everyday moments oscillating between reality and orchestration, triviality and absurdity. The stimulus of this work lies in the insecurity on how these stories about waiting are interpreted. Yet the fact that “waiting” is demonstrated by way of the art world could harm Roman Ondáks desire to expand the idea of waiting in our imagination. By Luise Reitstätter Salzburger Kunstverein, Künstlerhaus 5020 Salzburg, Hellbrunnerstrasse 3 Tel: +43 662 84 22 94 -0 Fax: +43 662 84 07 62 Email: kunstverein@salzburg.co.at http://www.salzburger-kunstverein.at Opening hours: Tue – Sun: Noon – 7 p.m.
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Salzburger Kunstverein
5020 Salzburg, Hellbrunnerstrasse 3
Tel: +43 (0) 662/84 22 94-0, Fax: +43 (0) 662/84 07 62
Email: office@salzburger-kunstverein.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-So 12-19h

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