
130910: ZKM – Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Jürgen Klauke – Aesthetic Paranoia

ZKM – Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Jürgen Klauke – Aesthetic Paranoia 13.05.10 – 03.10.10 Tangled wires and other neuroses Italy had Luigi Ontani, Switzerland had Urs Lüthi, Austria his Attersee, and in Germany it was Jürgen Klauke, and the list could go on and on. In the 1960’s and 1970’s, all of these beautiful young gods positioned themselves, androgynous as well as lascivious, in the centre of attention – in an unusually shrill way. Later, the oeuvres and careers of those mentioned developed into very different directions. In addition to creating video installations, Klauke remained loyal to photography. With “Aesthetic Paranoia” the Karlsruhe ZKM devotes itself to Klauke’s most recent works. Klauke preferred to define himself as an artist rather than as a photographer, and utilized photography for his (self) stagings. Over the years, the shrillness of former travesties have given way to a reduced austerity, which uncover the abysms of human existence just the same. Sockets and cable connections attain a unique aesthetic form; if a human being appears on the scene, he is only a lonesome jumping jack in the technical environment. In the title-giving series, a wig with very long hair, seemingly never-ending, is thrown onto the level of a bed with white linen. At some point, the carefully arranged sight- as well as face-covering streaks end wildly messed up on the sheets, and one would like to see it as a triumph of reality over illusion. As much as the forcefulness of these new works, whose depth and saturated blackness are only lightened up by the few white requisites and highlights, impress the onlooker, one is surprised about the only colour series titled “Battlegrounds”. Some splashing red colour, a great deal of gaping animal mesentery, not that Hermann Nitsch or Heinz Cibulka have the monopoly on this, but somehow this work does not really fit. Lets wait and see what others say to the guts-show, which will be presented at the Salzburg Museum der Moderne as of October 23. By Daniela Gregori ZKM – Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie 76135 Karlsruhe, Lorenzstrasse 19 Tel: +49 721 8100 -0 email: info@zkm.de http//www.zkm.de
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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ZKM - Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie
76135 Karlsruhe, Lorenzstraße 19
Tel: +49-721-8100-0
Email: info@zkm.de
Öffnungszeiten: Mi - Fr, 10-18 Uhr | Sa - So, 11-18 Uhr

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