
060910: Haus der Kunst - Large Art exhibition 2010

Haus der Kunst Large art exhibition 2010 11.08.10 – 03.11.10 Memory loop Some pictures imprint themselves so deeply in the subconscious that we would even recognize them in a completely blurred or altered state, such as familiar faces or well-known places. In Francisco and Markus Schork' video, sharply focused and blurred images are merged and one can detect a river flowing from right to left – with children playing on the riverbanks, and joggers hustling by. In the middle: a tree with a wide forked branch. A normal landscape? Not at all, even in its blurred state, every Munich resident would recognize that the scene is set in the English Garden, in immediate vicinity of the Haus der Kunst. The video is a livestream of what is going on behind the museum. But what is it that sparks this recognition-stimulus? Is it the marked forked branch, the blazing sunlight which lets the tree tops shimmer, or is it the speed of the current? Or is it all of this, an atmosphere that only comes about at exactly this venue in Munich’s English Garden? The video questions the significance of reading a picture or recognizing a picture and it is one of the best works presented at the “Large Art Exhibition” at the Haus der Kunst. Under the title “Im Haus” (In the house) the exhibition displays 150 contemporary works. Numerous paintings, installations, videos and photo series deal with the topic: Andrea Borowski portrayed couples, families and singles in their apartments. One could also say that she portrayed the apartments of couples, families and singles. In any case, this is all about the relationship of human beings and their environment, a kind of sociology of the living room. With her series “66 glances before undressing”, Regine Chossy questions the self-staged living situation and thereby the identity of the rooms. The photo series shows details of an apartment – from the keyhole to the fruit basket, the clothesline, the bookshelf to the ruffled bed. It deals with the intimacy of privacy, but also with the strangeness in what is familiar. Other artists, especially sculptors, refer to classic architectural forms of houses: the familiar cube with its gabled roof appears in the same way it is depicted in children’s sketches or in ads – as the archetype replacement for the long desired home. While most artists deal with concrete rooms and houses, Albert Coers concentrates on the spiritual home: he constructs an igloo made of children’s books, referring to the state of complete absent-mindedness and of the possibility to feel as if one were in a second reality in a book – similar to Michael Ende’s “Never-ending Story” in which the main character, the young boy Bastian, becomes part of the story that he is just reading. At this exhibition venue, a former Nazi-building, Albert Coers’ work attains yet another connotation: on the one hand, the heaps of children’s books remind of the Nazi book-burning and on the other hand, of the first post-war exhibition that took place at the Haus der Kunst: it was devoted to children’s and youth literature. This is an exhibition with strong individual positions well-worth seeing! By Astrid Mayerle Haus der Kunst 80538 Munich, Prinzregentenstrasse 1 Tel: +49 89 222655 Fax: +49 89 2913424 email: info@grossekunstausstellungmuenchen.de http://www.grossekunstausstellungmuenchen.de Opening hours: Daily from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Haus der Kunst München
80538 München, Prinzregentenstrasse 1
Tel: +49 (0)89 21127-113, Fax: +49 (0)89 21127-157
Email: mail@hausderkunst.de
Öffnungszeiten: Mo – So 10.00 – 20.00, Do 10.00 – 22.00

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