
060910: Galerie im Traklhaus - Marko Lulic

Galerie im Traklhaus Marko Lulic 06.08.2010 – 18.09.2010 Death to monuments The artist, born 1972 in Austria to a Serbian mother and a Croatian father, and who lived in Croatia during his childhood, approaches the most diverse (socio-) political and cultural topics and transforms them into sculptures, installations or films. The exhibition in the Traklhaus primarily presents his most recent videos. The most dominant among the three videos shown in a darkened room in the immediate vicinity of the gallery’s entrance is “SpaceGirl Dance 2009”. The video is almost a music clip, in which science-fiction-like figures dance to rhythmic music in a sculpture park. The video is meant to be a reference to “Raquel!” - a feature about American actress Raquel Welch and her music performances in the 60’s and 70’s. Lulic refers to Welch’s dance at the 1968 Mexico Olympics, where she danced the step sequence in similar costumes. Lulic relocates the scene to Erich Hauser’s sculpture park in Baden-Württemberg. Pointed metal objects protrude into the picture and become dominating figures. Sculpture forms a reference to the human body, which, by following a certain choreography, transforms itself into a body in motion. Surprisingly, even several viewings of the clip do not fatigue the viewer: clear proof of the video's high quality. Lulic’s video “Reactivation (Circulation in Space)”, (2002/04) – refers to the same-named sculpture by the Yugoslav artist Vojin Bakic and takes the title of Bakic’s work literally. He clambers around in Bakic’s sculpture, which consists of numerous rings, and thereby creates a real “circulation in space”. Oftentimes, Lulic works with found material, one could call it found footage. Sometimes the material is philosophical or political and manifests itself in artwork. Naturally, Lulic also draws upon the absurd ideologies of former Yugoslavia – e.g. in the video “Central Committee” showing a Belgrade skyscraper, the Central Committee’s headquarters in the 1990’s, as a flickering frozen image. The glass façade was destroyed during a NATO bomb attack, letting the modernistic skyscraper resemble an empty steel shell. Lulic presents the history of this venue and its immediate vicinity in a news report format, which, upon taking a closer look, turns out to be totally fabricated. Marko Lulic’s art is characterized by providing new contents and an altered format to existing things or things that have once existed. Furthermore, his art points to a narrative level which has become rare in our times. Nowadays, who is capable of telling a story? By Susanne Rohringer Galerie im Traklhaus 5020 Salzburg, Waagplatz 1a Tel: + 43 662 8042 2149 Fax: - 43 662 8042 3078 email: traklhaus@salzburg.gv.at http://www.traklhaus.at Opening hours: Tue- Fri: 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., Sat: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Kunst im Traklhaus
5020 Salzburg, Waagplatz 1a
Tel: +43 662 8042-2149, Fax: +43 662 8042-3078
Email: traklhaus@salzburg.gv.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di - Fr. 14.00 bis 18.00 Uhr, Sa 10.00 bis 13.00 Uhr

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