
160810: Salzburger Kunstverein, Künstlerhaus Ulrike Lienbacher – Elite bodies // Revolt

Salzburger Kunstverein, Künstlerhaus Ulrike Lienbacher – Elite bodies // Revolt 22.7.10 – 12.09.10 Focussing on the body This artist from Salzburg, who is represented by the Gallery Krinzinger in Vienna, centres her work on the female body and its social and psychological attributions. At first, the large-format drawings of dancers attract one’s attention, later the smaller drawings and photographs. Lienbacher created a panoramic view of her work, which reveals itself to the viewer upon walking through the exhibit. She divided the space with a walk-in cuboid and its mirroring outer wall, in which her videos “Lauf” (Run), “Die Zitrone auspressen” (Squeezing a lemon) and “Coaching/Performance” are shown. It is a black chamber in a white exhibition space – white cube – in which one can look at the motion pictures. On their stroll through the exhibition, onlookers can look at their own reflection and at the same time find themselves in the “eye of the viewer”, corresponding to the sketches of female bodies displayed on the walls. The viewing subject is simultaneously the object. Lienbacher ingeniously integrates this game of “being seen and seeing” in her presentation. But Lienbacher not only concentrates on the topic of subject and object. The human body plays the key role: both as a means of expression as well as a projection surface. With the meticulously created sketches she explores the effects of the - naked - body and its special coherences on the basis of photographs. In 2010, she created a series of baryt prints titled “Nude Pensive” dealing with the role of nude models in model classes. The artist supplied the models with books from the 20’s and 30’s, a time in which the body cult reached its first hype. In her videos, Lienbacher also devotes herself to sports and its merciless competitiveness as a further variation of physicality. In her performance “Coaching” Lienbacher interviews a sports psychologist on high-performance sports and its psychological requirements. And Lienbacher approaches this topic in an uncritical, rather moderate manner. Of course she is mainly concerned with the feministic position of presenting the body as a venue of socio-political processes. But Lienbacher does this in a very modest way, lacking any artistic vehemence. However, a critical approach to the term “elite bodies” oftentimes misused by the Nazis for their ideological perversities is missing. Nevertheless, Lienbacher’s exhibition in Salzburg is worthwhile seeing. By Susanne Rohringer Salzburger Kunstverein/Künstlerhaus 5020 Salzburg, Heilbrunnerstrasse 3 Tel: +43 662 84 22 94 -0 Fax: +43 662 84 07 62 email: kunstverein@salzburg.co.at http://wwww.salzburger-kunstverein.at Opening hours: Tue – Sun: Noon – 7 p.m.
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Salzburger Kunstverein
5020 Salzburg, Hellbrunnerstrasse 3
Tel: +43 (0) 662/84 22 94-0, Fax: +43 (0) 662/84 07 62
Email: office@salzburger-kunstverein.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-So 12-19h

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