
090810: Temporäre Kunsthalle Berlin John Bock – FischGrätenMelkStand

Temporäre Kunsthalle Berlin John Bock – FischGrätenMelkStand 02.07.2010 – 31.08.2010 Apotheosis or apocalypse? It is almost a grandiose good-bye party, as if those responsible for the Temporäre Kunsthalle (Temporary Art Hall) wanted to underline what was coming to an end here, in Berlin. John Bock is the Master of Ceremony and he knows what he owes himself and his audience. He curated this exhibition, which attempted to be everything at once: funfair, circus, museum, gallery and cinema. The floor of the Kunsthalle was actually torn open for this project to allow deeper levels to be found in deeper levels. In a way, this is also valid for the exhibition. It is advisable to enter the exhibit with the map distributed at the entrance. Visitors can easily lose their orientation. The room structures are jumbled and the media present themselves in an unspecific way. Suddenly Edgar Varèse turns up with sound samples, as does a tribute to actor Raimund Harmstorf as “Sea-Wolf” in the same-named screen adaption. Jane Russel’s cigarette stub is a “must”, just like circulation tank #2 from the Research Institute for Water Engineering and Shipbuilding (VWS), Berlin (1968 – 1975) by Ludwig Leo. This exhibition project leaves customary views behind and draws one’s attention to new horizons. Wasn’t there a short note by Einstein somewhere? And just in time there is an opportunity to view John Hejduk’s model apartment building with its studio tower presented at the International Architecture Show 1987. But this can no longer happen to the Temporäre Kunsthalle because its time has expired - and some people are not shedding a tear. After all, Udo Kittelmann invited “younger” artists such as Tomas Demand to the New National Gallery. But the logic behind this is not very convincing: if the traditional institutions take on the role of the Kunsthalle, a similar additional institution would be superfluous. Yet only an additional new institution offers the competition desirable and necessary for the city of Berlin. By Thomas Wulffen Temporäre Kunsthalle Berlin Berlin, Schlossplatz Tel: +49 30 25 76 204-0 Fax: +49 30 25 76 204-19 email: office@kunsthalle-berlin.com http://www.kunsthalle-berlin.com
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Temporäre Kunsthalle Berlin
Berlin, Schlossplatz
Tel: +49–30–25 76?204–0, Fax: +49–30–25 76?204–19
Email: office@kunsthalle-berlin.com

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