
050710: Galerie White 8 Vienna Mounty R.P. Zentara – Blue Blossom

Galerie White 8 Vienna Mounty R.P. Zentara – Blue Blossom 28.05.10 – 17.07.10 Longing Mounty R.P. Zentara presents his most recent light-objects at the Gallery White 8 under the poetic title of “Blue Blossom”: different coloured fluorescent tubes mounted in the frames of white varnished Gründerzeit-windows, with fanciful names such as Sky, Prairie, Rain, and Moon2. The presentation is small and compact, unpretentious and distinct. The windows are no longer in use and were given a new function by Zentara. Their damaged condition conveys their history, linking their past with the present, full of energy in the fluorescent light. A general expressiveness can be stressed in context with the titles, which draw upon their original elementary forms. Such a moment might be immanent to this work, but it should not be interpreted as the artist’s intention. Instead, Zentara associates the colour combinations of the fluorescent light with the wonders of nature, which at the same time are the underlying inspiration for his art. The philosophy of recycling and utilizing an industrially manufactured product are the significant components – the combination of which is meant to point to the higher value of nature. Light is the central theme; the artwork can only be interpreted through light. If the tube is inactive the artwork is reduced to a concrete concept, an inactive sculpture in a close connection to its same-coloured background. The colourful light is the metaphor for nature – the exhibition is so to speak a blue blossom of our time. By Margareta Sandhofer Galerie White 8 Vienna 1010 Vienna, Zedlitzgasse 1 http://www.withe8.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie White 8 Vienna
1010 Wien, Zedlitzgasse 1
Öffnungszeiten: geschlossen

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