
060410: LukasFeichtner Galerie: Stylianos Schicho - perspex people (Adaptation of see-through humans)

LukasFeichtner Galerie Stylianos Schicho - perspex people (Adaptation of see-through humans) 12.03.10 - 10.04.10 Orwell on the Planet of the Apes Planet of the Apes? No?! But one thing immediately becomes apparent: that ape-like protagonists come to the fore next to the human-like protagonists. And the correlation of both forms in the context of “cultural history” cannot be denied. Stylianos Schicho’s exhibition perspex people (adaptation of see-through humans) deals with today’s western capitalist society and the practice as well as the effect of extensive and differentiated surveillance. The starting point is not clear, but that is why the onlooker is distraught and worried by the glances of the figures looking directly at him or schizophrenic or apathetically upward, beyond the frame. The rooms are only insinuated, one cannot really locate them, but they are defined by individual returning elements such as credit cards, cell phones, headsets, remote controls, McDonalds/Coca Cola cups, with which the claustrophobically and densely packed figures are apprehended in front of money machines, one-armed bandits, and body scanners. Stylianos Schicho’s meticulous painting technique and the originally objective character of the large format paintings, working with empty space and style elements of design and animation, transmit the depicted content through a shift in perspective of the view-axis into the onlooker’s momentary reality, opening a nearly paranoid presence of reciprocal examining and recording of individual everyday actions. In this show the apes are in control of capital; one encounters them in front of a money machine or behind a counter. Human beings, in their emotional isolation, are more part of a zombie film. In any case: exciting! By Paul Gründorfer LukasFeichtner Galerie ?1010 Vienna, Seilerstätte 19 Tel: 512 09 10 Fax: 512 53 40 email: info@feichtnergallery.com http://www.feichtnergallery.com Opening hours: Mon –Fri 10 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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LukasFeichtner Galerie
1010 Wien, Seilerstätte 19
Tel: +43 676 3387145
Email: office@feichtnergallery.com
Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Fr 10-18, Sa 10-16

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