
010310: Unexpected Turns: bankleer, Pavlina Fichta Cierna, Helmut Heiss, Nada Prija, zweintopf

Tiroler Künstlerschaft /Kunstpavillion Unexpected Turns: bankleer, Pavlina Fichta Cierna, Helmut Heiss, Nada Prija, zweintopf 23.01.10 – 06.03.10 Illusion and Reality No matter how you look at the surveillance camera mounted on the telescope pole: the terry cloth dolls placed between the high ceiling and the roof by the Graz-based duo zweintopf remain as rigid and immovable as terry cloth objects allow. And in turn they survey the gallery space themselves and are perceived as shadow giants, when looking at them from beneath. zweintopf play with this medium, which is capable of heightening the general perception of security, in a humorous-wary way. The question comes up as to who is watching whom and why. For this year’s exhibition program “Unexpected Turns” the curators Anton Lederer and Margarethe Makovec brought together five works - all focussing on social-political questions. The main installation “Im Kommen” by the Berlin-based collective bankleer, envelops a group of fictitious participants at a public demonstration with a black cloth, whereby they not only appear as abstract protesters, but also as if they were dressed in burkas. In the video essay “Metapolitik” bankleer deal with the search for the – notably unreachable – ideal of democracy. In the two-piece work “Communism, that fallen star of political endeavour” and “Capitalism, The Show is Over”, Nada Prija visualized the expiry date of tried and tested models. Helmut Heiss seduces the onlooker to take a detailed look at the graffito discovered on the outside wall of the pavilion, whose meaning (FKKANTIFA) remains hidden, but radiates multiple prospects. The most personal contributions are Pavlina Fichta Cierna’s video portraits, such as the “Lady in Blue”, who shares her life in an artificial blue silk frock and for the length of a cigarette – from her first steps into emancipation to the horrors of being deported during the Third Reich. By Ivona Jelcic Tiroler Künstlerschaft / Kunstpavilion 6020 Innsbruck, Rennweg 8a Tel: + 43 512 58 11 33 Fax: + 43 512 58 59 71 email: pavillon@kuenstlerschaft.at http://www.kuenstlerschaft.at Opening hours: Tue – Fri: 9 a.m. – 12. p.m. Sat 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., Sun 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Tiroler Künstlerschaft / Kunstpavillon
6020 Innsbruck , Rennweg 8a
Tel: 0043-512-58 11 33, Fax: 0043-512-58 59 71
Email: pavillon@kuenstlerschaft.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 10.00-12.00, 14.00-18.00; Sa 11.00 -17.00; So und Feiertage geschlossen

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