
150210: artlounge Strabag Kunstforum: Moussa Kone – en pointe (switch legs, left up, around, and reach)

artlounge Strabag Kunstforum: Moussa Kone – en pointe (switch legs, left up, around, and reach) Sign language In the artlounge Strabag exhibition, the artist, known for his multipart large-format drawings and installations, presents small, almost constructivist ink drawings with faceless ballet dancers as the central element of design. Moussa Kone’s works, born 1979, are as precise as usual, but just one iota clearer, more focussed, and more free - both in their delivery as well as the choice of the topic. And despite their remarkable diversity and exuberant fantasy these paintings never seem to be from another world. They are more like a distorting mirror of everyday (real) life, without drifting into the caricatural or illustrational. They do not narrate, but nevertheless they talk to us, they captivate, but one will never lose oneself in them, as they masterfully hold the balance – similar to an expert dancer, between identification and critical distance. It seems incredible that, despite the large number of works displayed, there is not a single poor piece among them. Visiting this exhibition is an imperative and an ideal opportunity to become acquainted with absolutely unique art. By Wolfgang Pichler artlounge Strabag Kunstforum 1220 Vienna, Donau-City-Strasse 9, until 05.03.10 http://www.srabag-kunstforum.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Strabag artlounge
1220 Wien, Donau-City-Straße 9
Tel: +43 / 1 / 22 422 - 18 48

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