
150210: Museum Frieder Burda: Baselitz. A Retrospective

Museum Frieder Burda: Baselitz. A Retrospective Aging of the wild ones Polke was already here, Richter as well, now it’s Baselitz. Again, it was Götz Adriani who presented one of the great masters of German art at the Museum Frieder Burda. “50 years of painting”, as the title already states, are presented here. Next door, in the 100-year older Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, director and curator Karola Kraus devoted the exhibition “30 Years of Sculpture” to Baselitz’s sculptural works. This is the first co-production of the two institutions, but obviously they did not really team up. Apart from the medium, the two presentations could not be more diverse. While Toni Stoos’s Baselitz-retrospective at the Salzburg Museum of Modern Art last summer at least attempted to show “what comes from where, and how has it changed”, it remains unclear on which idea or order the exhibition at the Frieder Burda is based. Wandering through the exhibit lets one wonder about the arbitrary arrangement of the large-format paintings. Only the works displayed on the top floor are somewhat compensatory. A clear thesis or a strict chronology would have done the presentation of Georg Baselitz’s works well. After all, the radical breaks in his works evoke interest, and, as he describes them - they are based on the principle of disharmony, unbalance and destruction. The exhibit at the neighbouring Kunsthalle is more rigid. In each room one sculpture is juxtaposed according to formal aspects with one painting. This might be perceived as extremely arthistoric, but the encounters are all definitely fascinating. And Karola Kraus refrained from publishing yet another catalogue and instead edited the catalogue raisonné of sculptures. Great performance, great achievement. By Daniela Gregori Museum Frieder Burda 76530 Baden-Baden, Lichtentaler Allee 8b, until 14.03.10 http://www.sammlung-frieder-burda.de Exhibition at the Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden Baselitz. 30 Years of Sculpture Lichtentaler Allee 8A 76430 Baden-Baden, until 14.03.10 www.kunsthalle-baden-baden.de
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden
76530 Baden-Baden, Lichtentaler Allee 8 A
Tel: +49 7221 30076400, Fax: +49 7221 38590
Email: info@kunsthalle-baden-baden.de
Öffnungszeiten: Di - So 10 - 18 h, Mo geschlossen

Museum Frieder Burda
76530 Baden-Baden, Lichtentaler Allee 8 b
Tel: +49 (0) 72 21 / 3 98 98-0, Fax: +49 (0) 72 21 / 3 98 98-30
Email: office@museum-frieder-burda.de
Öffnungszeiten: Di - So 11.00 - 18.00

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