
071209: Kunsthalle Wien: Videorama – Artclips from Austria

Kunsthalle Wien: Videorama – Artclips from Austria (Videonation) Rescued! As the title implies, Videorama is exclusively devoted to art videos, and shows Austrian productions created during the last ten years, which will be presented around the world. The overproduction of art, and especially the excess of videos, can – for some viewers – create a feeling of audiovisual horror. The exhibition opens with a static animation of a burning candle, an image rich with historic reminiscences, which refers both to the tacit art of painting as well as the Sonic-Youth album “Daydream Nation”; it is both a camouflage and a decoy for outsiders. The usual depressive darkness of a video chamber is no longer state-of-the-art at this exhibition. Contemplation instead of isolation is choreographed in a diversified ambience, split into six different topics. Through simultaneous viewing and comparing of numerous video clips on the basis of orchestral relations between image, sound, and text, the aim is to make ones own conclusions about the “Society of Monitors”. In addition, tiny monitors inform on how long the film is still going on and which exciting “meta scenarios” are to be expected. The exhibition starts with everyday cabaret-like public activities and performances by young Austrian artists, which can be viewed as documentations on small screens, and ends with a night projection showing a number of snow caterpillars in a winter Alpine landscape undertaking their both useful and useless tasks. Intermediately, clips, which create artificial as well as real fear or transform the surrealistic narrative, may also be viewed. This mixture of “Artclips from Austria” offers an opportunity to take a closer look at contemporary artistic overproduction: we tend to only remember the handful of outstanding artists, because we forget that they are surrounded by countless others. And what does not distinguish the individual might be formed by the mass. By Goschka Gawlik Kunsthalle Wien 1070 Vienna, Museumsplatz 1, until 10.01.10 http://www.kunsthallewien.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier
1070 Wien, Museumsplatz 1
Tel: +43 1 521 89-0
Email: office@kunsthallewien.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-So 10-19, Do 11-21 h

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