
261009: Palais de Tokyo: Chasing Napoleon

Palais de Tokyo: Chasing Napoleon Rubik’s Cube Those who always wanted to find out which books the Unabomber read should visit the Palais de Tokyo. Here Dora Winter reconstructed his library. The Books range from topics such as “Women’s Psychology” or “Edible Wild Plants”, Albert Speer’s “Spandau” or Leo Tolstoy’s “The Cosacks”, and if you want to investigate his traces in more detail, you are free to read them. Ted Kacynski seems to be the key part of “Chasing Napoleon”, which was curated by Marc-Olivier Wahler in the rooms of the building planned to be the EXPO pavilion. Numerous other works attempt to get to the bottom of the former math professors life, who kept the USA in suspense for decades: Robert Kusmirowski reconstructed the hut in which he devised the letter bombs and his manifesto; Gardar Eide Einarsson presents Kacynski’s mug shot and some of his notes, which offer a detailed list of his criminal strategy. But Kaczynski’s story only serves as a motive for a more extensive confrontation - and this is where everything becomes a bit blurred - with fleeing in general and escapism in detail. Paul Laffoley’s psychedelic art-natural science-esoteric-diagrams are more comprehensible in this context, as well as Christoph Büchel’s reconstruction of Saddam Hussein’s hiding place and Ryan Gander’s wall-hole, which clears the view to the plants outside. The exhibition is a bit like Rubik’s Cube: each time you think you are on the brink to success, something doesn’t fit. At one point, it’s Tony Smith’s rhomboid, which refuses the entire concept, and then it’s Tony Matelli’s burning ceramic banknotes. But at least it motivates to constantly twist and turn the entire story – not a bad thing at all. By Nina Schedlmayer Palais de Tokyo? 75116 Paris, 13 avenue du Président Wilson, until 17.01.10 www.palaisdetokyo.com
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Palais de Tokyo
75116 Paris, 13 avenue du président Wilson
Tel: +33-1-4723 5401, Fax: +33-1-4720 1531
Email: cotact@palaisdetokyo.com

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