
261009: Galerie Meyer Kainer: Precarious Form I – Precarious Sculptures

Galerie Meyer Kainer: Precarious Form I – Precarious Sculptures Mainstream feeling The topic sounds familiar: Precarious sculptures - weren’t they already shown in this city once before? Absolutely: in 2004, when the Kunsthalle Wien organized the exhibit “Sculpture. Precarious Realism between melancholy and humour”. Five years later, the Gallery Meyer Kainer is presenting the group exhibit “Precarious Form I / Precarious Sculptures”, curated by Veit Loers. While the Kunsthalle exhibit dealt with the topic extensively, the gallery gets by with less space and less theoretical accompaniment. A small number of artists are presented both in this as well as the 2004-exhibit, a fact that does no harm: Naturally, Franz West and Urs Fischer are part of this discourse on contemporary sculpture – especially regarding positions, which, as stated in the summary published by the gallery, “display formal tendencies regarding fragmentation, contingency and decomposition” and couldn’t care less about compositional hierarchies. Yet the feat at the beginning of the 21st century would be to find positions that do not correspond with these criteria – today the not-perfect and not-through-composed is the rule, not the exception; sculptures will always display parts of something else. After all, collage techniques have been around since the historic Avant-garde. Nevertheless, the exhibition is constructed with considerable sensitivity for material and formal connections – Franz West’s unsteady table corresponds perfectly with Jason Rhoade’s barrel-assemblage forming a wooden car. Jonathan Meese’s dreary trash doll “Colonel V. de Bruzz” matches the equally dismal grill-station figures Vergil and Dante by Thomas Zipp, and the minimalistic pedestal by Anita Leisz blends with Heimo Zobernig’s figure on a black shelf. This exhibition, for sure, does not present sidelines or novelties regarding the discourse on sculptures, but their mainstream; but with keen insight. By Nina Schedlmayer Galerie Meyer Kainer 1010 Vienna, Eschenbachgasse 9, until 07.11.09 www.meyerkainer.com
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Meyer Kainer
1010 Wien, Eschenbachgasse 9
Tel: +43 1 585 72 77, Fax: + 43 1 585727788
Email: contact@meyerkainer.com
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 11-18, Sa 11-15h

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