
261009: Liechtenstein Museum: Structure and Ornament – The picture and its frame

Liechtenstein Museum: Structure and Ornament – The picture and its frame A frame is not a frame Throughout the course of history, frames have often been considered as art works; as art works with a symbiotic character, as they had a function in relationship to the picture (painted or inlaid), to a relief, or a sculpture. They accentuated the effect of the object they surrounded and gave it more depth. At first - with the invention of the panel painting - as a fastened or integrated frame; everything was made of one piece. Later, the outer part took a life of its own and was not only made of wood. Semiprecious stones, ceramics, ivory, and diverse metals, including paper maché were processed in many different techniques. At times they were simple, sometimes richly adorned and attuned to the furniture in the room. But there were also tendencies to separate the pictures from their frames and to present frameless pictures. In turn, collectors began to value these frames for their preciousness. In the past couple of years, one again strives to present artwork (if not with its original frame) then at least with a frame that accords the object its originally intended radiation. The exhibition presents the evolution of frames by dividing the museum space into numerous “islands” and displaying which effect a painting had on leather wallpaper, how rooms were furnished during the Biedermaier and Classism eras, how large a Baroque mirror can be (and how heavy). Putti are painted behind glass holding golden twines, Diana is surrounded with kill, fruits are made of wood and ceramics, and angular shapes link with rounded ones, enamel pairs with tortoiseshell. One learns everything about the difference and the names of the various types of frames: integrated (fixed) frame, tabernacle, tondo, cassette (plate, profile) and the special forms: Sansovino, Salvator-Rosa and Canaletto frames, as well as cabinet, splendour or ornate frames. Everything that is hidden behind the underlying terms is well worth seeing and experiencing. By Maria-Gabriela Martinkowic Liechtenstein Museum 1090 Vienna, Fürstengasse 1, until 09.11.09 www.liechtensteinmuseum.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Liechtenstein Museum (geschlossen)
1090 Wien, Fürstengasse 1
Tel: +43 / 1 / 319 57 67 - 252, Fax: +43 / 1 / 319 57 67 - 255
Email: info@liechtensteinmuseum.at
Öffnungszeiten: Freitag bis Dienstag 10.00–17.00 Uhr, Mittwoch und Donnerstag geschlossen

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