
280909: Galerie Steinek: Deborah Sengl – All you can lose

Galerie Steinek: Deborah Sengl – All you can lose Nothing to lose? Since Deborah Sengl’s satirical paintings have always mirrored the beast in us - and rarely in a flattering way - it comes as no surprise that she satirizes the fitness-craze in her current exhibit. She depicts humans with pig’s heads, trying to get rid of their excess fat, by working out with all kinds of fitness equipment. Sengl plays with the intruding association of the “fat pig”. Thanks to the artist’s sensitive handling of the subject and her talent to compose her works so well, this “meat inspection” does not drift off into a vulgar-comical depiction. Despite all of the ludicrousness it is always only the stereotypes and not people as individuals that are exposed here. There is a compelling logic why animal heads and not human faces are shown on human bodies. This leaves no doubt that Sengl is dealing with something more general, with a widely spread social phenomenon. Similar to classic fables, human behaviour is questioned without hurting mankind or specific people. Sengl also implicitly points to human vanity or the endeavour to comply with a social norm and to find oneself in the inconspicuous centre of society. It is unfortunate that the only sculpture, showing a pig-headed overweight human on an exercise bike does not come across as subtly ironical as the drawings, but this is the only way it can fulfil its role as an eye-catcher and attract media attention. Despite the fact that the artist, who is currently at the peak of her creativeness, is presenting an exhibition well worth seeing, the question remains if, and how, the oeuvre of this artist will continue to develop. Interpreted according to Erich Fried: “He who wants art to remain as it is does not want it to remain.” By Wolfgang Pichler Galerie Steinek 1010 Vienna, Eschenbachgasse 4, until 17.10.09 www.galerie.steinek.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Steinek
1010 Wien, Eschenbachgasse 4
Tel: +431/512 87 59, Fax: +431/512 87 59
Email: galerie@steinek.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr: 13-18h
Sa: 11-15h

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