
250709: < rotor>: selected: 10 Years of

< rotor>: selected: 10 Years of It’s like home Exhibitions marking an anniversary carry the risk of having an inferior concept and displaying self-adulation. But not so in , aptly described - at its opening by co-curator Lejla Hodzic - as the place in which many people – artists, curators, those interested in art - feel at home. primarily focuses on the artists and their work, and thereby conveys a sense of home. And Margarete Makovec and Anton Lederer are the hosts whose wholehearted dedication bestows this exhibition its continuity. While wandering through the exhibition, which is arranged in accordance with the spatial settings and not by chronological order, and consisting of the individual displays and projects of , one enjoys meeting old acquaintances. The presentation includes works by the Graz03 project “Balkan Konsulat” and “real*utopia”, Sejla Kameric’s “homeSICK” or Constantin Luser’s “Lichtschreibmaschine”, as well as Christian Eisenberger's “Corpus Deluxe”, originating from a cooperation with the Schauspielhaus in Graz, or Ivan Moudov’s “Traffic Control”, created during the project “Never Stop the Action” during the steirische herbst 2001. Isa Rosenberger’s video “Sarajevo Guided Tours”, which emerged from an Artist-In-Residence exchange with Kristina Leko, was already displayed in other contexts and institutions, similar to Esra Ersen’s video “Brothers and Sisters”, which was part of the “Exciting Europe” exhibit at the Gallery for Contemporary Art in Leipzig. Not only the relationship to Graz is documented in , but also the numerous national and international guest performances and the network, which has formed in the past 10 years – bet it to art institutions or artists. And if the city council for cultural affairs in Graz is frustrated when he hears the remark: “We already did it. We are doing it”, as an answer to his suggestions and ideas of cultural work, than all that is left to do, is to congratulate. By Nora Theiss 8020 Graz, Belgiergasse 8, until 31.07.09 www.rotor.mur.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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< rotor > Verein für zeitgenössische Kunst
8020 Graz, Volksgartenstraße 6a
Tel: 0043 / 316 / 688306, Fax: 0043 / 316 / 688306
Email: rotor@mur.at
Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Fr 10-18 Uhr, Sa 12-16 Uhr

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