
200709: Strabag Kunstforum: Clemens Wolf – The Great Mess

Strabag Kunstforum: Clemens Wolf – The Great Mess More than graffiti for your living room Clemens Wolf’s (born 1981) large black and white paintings depict run-down apartment buildings behind construction fences or half demolished industrial ruins created in stencil technique (stencil graffiti). They unfold their fascination through the applied technique, which originated in the graffiti scene and offers a clear contrast to “high art”. Instead of actually spraying onto empty concrete walls of abandoned buildings in the suburbs, these landscapes, where Street Art is normally found, are depicted on canvas in the respective technique. The inversion of the relationship between the carrier medium and the motif again finds its logical sequel by gluing stencils to the canvas. The paintings showing the ruins of the burned down Sofiensäle and its historic architecture, which partially seem as if they were washed out by rain or bleached, prove that Clemens Wolf’s works also function as simple “panel paintings”. By Wolfgang Pichler Strabag Kunstforum 1220 Vienna, Donau-City Strasse 9, until 03.09.2009 www.strabag-kunstforum.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Strabag Kunstforum
1220 Wien, Donau-City Straße 9
Tel: +43-1-224 22-1848, Fax: +43-1-224 22-1847
Email: kunstforum@strabag.com
Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Do 9-17, Fr 9-12 h

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