
060709: Galerie Meyer Kainer: Marcin Maciejowski

Galerie Meyer Kainer: Marcin Maciejowski Irony, worship, tenderness Stories about painting cannot be more truthful than the painting itself. And it is especially pleasing if a painter uses these stories as his main subject. For his third solo exhibit at Meyer Kainer, Marcin Maciejowski almalgamated elements found in pop art and comics with unconventional photography-like prima tempera painting. “This realism is trivial” (oil on canvas, 150x150, 2009) depicts an attentive group of visitors in front of Caravaggio’s rosary Madonna, listening to a lady guide lecturing competently about the painting in the painting. The English words in the speech bubble give an insight on realism, triviality, criticism, and origin. Through Maciejowski’s side-view, the arrogant mien of Caravaggio’s Madonna is not visible nor is that of the lady with the speech bubble; everything personal is reduced to the general physiognomy. The artist often refrains from adding facial details. One could think he has something against portraits, but that’s definitely not the case. Six portraits of three composers are displayed in the upstairs Boltenstern room – in black-white-grey tones. A closer look at these works reveals movements, which in their lust and suppleness surpass the curves of most top models. But all of the 9 ladies posing in beautiful clothes are faceless. While the artist knows who the ladies are, he considered their clothes, their shimmer, the fall of the folds and the form of the bodies much more important than the depiction of their faces. The minimalistic cleverly thought out painting, which expresses this texture fascination, is so superb and delightful, that alone by looking at the dress one can feel it on ones own body. There was clearly nothing misogynistic in his work. “The phantasmagorical level of the picture” (oil on canvas, 2009, 120x100): a young woman with a pensive look and cross-my- heart demeanour is shown contemplating over an opened catalogue, and contemplating how one could penetrate the filling level of a perfect dream (“you seem to penetrate the phantasmagorical level…”). From the bottom part of the picture, the position of the viewer, the thoughts are confirmed “just so”. The irony of worship could not be set into the picture more delicately. And this irony does not only affect worshiping things that are difficult to comprehend, but also worshipping the making of a painting as such; for a painter like Marcin Madiejoswski it is imperative to create paintings, which should be seen. Allowed – just so. Gesche Heumann Galerie Meyer Kainer 1010 Vienna, Eschenbachgasse 9, until 31.07.09 www.meyerkainer.com
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Meyer Kainer
1010 Wien, Eschenbachgasse 9
Tel: +43 1 585 72 77, Fax: + 43 1 585727788
Email: contact@meyerkainer.com
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 11-18, Sa 11-15h

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