
290609: Halle für Kunst: Space Revised #3 – “What if This Was a Piece of Art?”

Halle für Kunst: Space Revised #3 – “What if This Was a Piece of Art?” On mediality, location and transformation With “Space Revised #3. What if This Was a Piece of Art?” the Halle für Kunst Lüneburg turns into a venue allowing critical contemporary debate regarding Marcel Duchamp’s work. To which extent is it possible to utilize space as a platform for a multitude of reflections and interpretations? Can art be apprehended without having an aura or will it be overlooked? The curators Eva Birkenstock and Hannes Loichinger bring up the question how art qualities can flourish in a biotope of theory. Space needs medial interventions, to (re)search for their predefined structures, options, and boundaries within a context. The differences between everyday objects and art are made transparent by the following contributions. “Composition Trouvée” by Guillaume Bijl (1946) consists of four wall clocks, which were positioned on top of each other to form a meticulous composition. In “No Space Between the Worlds” (1966) Wolfgang Breuer mounts a slowly rotating one- meter long neon lamp on a bunk ceiling. The 27-minute video installation “Side Effects” by Yan Duyvendak (1965), presented on four different TV sets, shows a static take of the same room, but with varying lighting and changing arrangements of the fixtures. Graham Hudson’s (1977) installation “Who Gets What, When and How” consists of mid-sized cardboard cartons, measuring tapes, and water scales. Since 2002, the art initiative FLOSS focuses on topics pertaining to art, science and literature. In the “Kunstmarkt TV” (art market TV) Christian Jankowski (1968) reflects the linked operating system of institutions and marketing strategies. The 45-minute video was created as a live-performance during the Art Cologne 2008. For Benoit Maire (1978), it is important to eliminate the categorical division between art and philosophy. With the help of language and writing Falke Pisano (1978) researches an artistic practice, which deals with the interaction of abstraction and sculpture. “What if This Was a Piece of Art?” shows examples of theoretical and applied positions, offering a concrete answer to the current debate on “art associations and how they are perceived by the educated society”. Touring through rooms and thereby questioning artistic strategies and their potentials are the basic impulses of the “Space Revised” project, shown in four Northern German venues. Appropriation of space, loss of space, shift of space as well as institutional space compose the perspectives realized by the cooperation among the GAK Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst Bremen, the Künstlerhaus Bremen, the Halle für Kunst Lüneburg and the Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof Hamburg. By Leon Gumil Hainzl Halle für Kunst 21335 Lüneburg, Reichenbachstrasse 2, until 12. 07.09 www.halle-fuer-kunst.de Parallel exhibitions on “Space Revised” Space Revised #1 – Friendly Takeovers Gesellschaft für aktuelle Kunst, Bremen www.gak-bremen.de Space Revised #2 – Whereabouts Unknown Künstlerhaus Bremen www.kuenstlerhausbremen.de Space Revised #4 – Manufactured Communities Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Hamburg www.kunstvereinharburgerbahnhof.de
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Halle für Kunst Lüneburg
21335 Lüneburg, Reichenbachstrasse 2
Tel: +49 4131 402001, Fax: +49 4131 721344
Email: info@halle-fuer-kunst.de
Öffnungszeiten: Mi-So 14-18 h

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