
250509: MUSA – Museum auf Abruf: Elisabeth Wedenig – Sternengärtner

MUSA – Museum auf Abruf: Elisabeth Wedenig – Sternengärtner Wedenig in the Wonderland The colourful canvas and textile paintings currently displayed at the Startgalerie inevitably remind of hippie days and LSD. The canvases, without frames, are simply stapled to the walls. The fantasy-laden paintings have titles such as “Lichtsammlerin” (light collector) or “Sternengärtner” (star gardener) and offer an insight into drug-generated worlds of wonder. But they do not depict beatniks or Indian gods, but neatly dressed housewives, who populate the heaven embroidered with diamonds. Despite their esoteric character and dreaminess the works are not kitschy and handkerchiefs, artfully hung on canvas and skilfully painted, partly convey a miraculous simplicity and intimacy. They display a granny and a flower child meeting for an intergalactic picnic in Nirvana. The intimate format of the handkerchiefs, partly embroidered with a fringe do not convey the impression of “great art”, but more that of an everyday sketch painted on a handkerchief in the absence of a piece of paper. In surrealistic tradition, the topics oscillate between dream pictures and everyday life, as they iridise between petering fields of colour and realistic depictions of people. The large format painting “Im nächsten Haus links vom Obstgarten” (In the next house left of the fruit garden), 2009, opens the view, from an insinuated austere room, towards fanciful flower worlds. As if on drugs, one floats among hazy figures, UFOs, and flower gardens through the pictorial images of this exhibition. By Wolfgang Pichler MUSA – Museum auf Abruf 1010 Vienna, Felderstrasse 6-8, next to the town hall, until 28.05.09 www.musa.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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