
180509: Galerie Eschenbachgasse: curated by_Matthew Higgs: Correspondences

Galerie Eschenbachgasse: curated by_Matthew Higgs: Correspondences In dialogue The concept of the director of the New York-based White Columns, Matthew Higgs, may not seem very original at first sight: juxtaposing two art positions for the “curated by” series. But the way he laid them out, arranged them, orchestrated them at the galleries in Vienna’s Eschenbachstrasse is convincing. For the large part. It is good that Higgs chose a corresponding rather than an opposing approach for his exhibition “Correspondences”, which spans across five galleries. The collage-like and seemingly surrealistic (bad)-dream worlds by Rita Ackermann fit well to the monstrous, even if formally reduced photomontages of Hollywood stars, created by John Stezaker, which he already created in the 1970s (Meyer Kainer). The tectonically strict as well as delicate assemblages, created by B. Wurtz with particles of plastic bags, small twigs, shoelaces, and wooden boards, corresponds well with Noam Rappaport’s area floor plans (Galerie Steinek). And the combination of works, in which the Becher-student and now gallery owner, Janice Guy, photographs her nude reflection mirrored in shop windows in the night and the coarsely grated photos by Anne Collier, depicting women with cameras, is very effective. (Galerie Mezzanin). But it becomes a bit more difficult when you cross the street: the smallest common denominator between Jan Groover’s photos (still life arrangements of plants and cutlery, in which the environment is reflected) and Eileen Quinlan’s works (mirrors set up at an angle, conveying an abstract effect on account of their colourful lighting) seem rather arbitrary (Krobath); and the naïve and mysterious paintings by Christopher Knowles are juxtaposed with Karl Holmquist’s not very amusing wall scribbling at the Galerie Martin Janda – however, not really entering into a dialogue. Nevertheless, Higgs’ concept is successful. By allowing art to correspond on different levels he presents nothing less than their complexity. Until 06.06.09
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Krobath
1010 Wien, Eschenbachgasse 9
Tel: +43 1 585 74 70, Fax: +43 1 585 74 72
Email: office@galeriekrobath.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr: 11-18h
Sa: 11-15h

Galerie Meyer Kainer
1010 Wien, Eschenbachgasse 9
Tel: +43 1 585 72 77, Fax: + 43 1 585727788
Email: contact@meyerkainer.com
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 11-18, Sa 11-15h

Galerie mezzanin
1010 Wien, Getreidemarkt 14/Ecke Eschenbachgasse
Tel: +43 (0) 1 526 43 56, Fax: +43 (0) 1 526 91 87
Email: mezzanin@chello.at
Öffnungszeiten: geschlossen

Galerie Martin Janda
1010 Wien, Eschenbachgasse 11
Tel: +43 1 585 73 71, Fax: +43 1 585 73 72
Email: galerie@martinjanda.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr: 11-18h
Sa: 11-16h

Galerie Steinek
1010 Wien, Eschenbachgasse 4
Tel: +431/512 87 59, Fax: +431/512 87 59
Email: galerie@steinek.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr: 13-18h
Sa: 11-15h

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