
180509: Galerien Seilerstätte: curated by_Maria de Corral / Dan Cameron: Inside Job

Galerien Seilerstätte: curated by_Maria de Corral / Dan Cameron: Inside Job Fall out The intention of María de Corral’s and Dan Cameron’s exhibit “Inside Job” is not easily comprehensible. Divided among four galleries in the vicinity of Vienna’s Seilerstätte, the works of artists are juxtaposed by twos – one artist who is represented by the gallery, and one who isn’t. In their press release, de Corral and Cameron point out “that the curators did not come up with this concept, nor did they choose the venues”. Thereby they “themselves have become intermediaries, whose scope is constrained on account of the relatively narrow, predefined context”. However, the context turns out to be far less narrow. What other explanation is there why those artists, invited by the respective galleries and who are represented them, rarely have anything to do with the gallery: Hans Op de Beeck’s gloomy romantic animated film and Shilpa Gupta’s singing microphones that wander up the ceiling and then fall down, are shown at the Galerie Krinzinger. And Karina Nimmerfall, who combines the replica of luxurious architecture with an animated film, and Waltercio Caldas’, who constructs reliefs and lets threads hang from the ceiling (Galerie Grita Insam) and in the Galerie Nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder, Karin Sander’s html-code which transformed the gallery space, clashes with Ignasi Aballi’s photographs of paintings and their reflections on museum floors. Merely the works shown at the Layr Wüstenhagen gallery, where de Corral and Cameron combined the creations of devastation-sculptor-performer Koki Tanka with those of globetrotter mahony, seem to go well together, as they have similar sculptural approaches. But one could argue that artistic positions do not always have to be congeneric to enlighten or to charge one another – one can also profit from extreme differences. But in this case there is not much left. Until 06.06.09
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Grita Insam
1010 Wien, An der Hülben 3
Tel: + 43 1 512 53 30, Fax: +43 1 512 5330 15
Öffnungszeiten: geschlossen

Galerie Krinzinger
1010 Wien, Seilerstätte 16
Tel: +43 1 513 30 06
Email: info@galerie-krinzinger.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 12-18, Sa 12-16 h

Galerie nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder
1010 Wien, Grünangerg. 1/2
Tel: +43 1 5121266, Fax: +43 1 5134307
Email: galerie@schwarzwaelder.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr: 12-18h
Sa: 11-16h

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