
180509: curated by Jerome Sans: From Europe to Asia and back, again. Living in a suitcase

curated by Jerome Sans: From Europe to Asia and back, again. Living in a suitcase Nina Schedlmayer Away from Eurocentrism If you have no other reason to wander through Vienna’s city centre, it is worth doing so to view the exhibit “From Europe to Asia and back, again. Living in a suitcase”. The exhibit is shown in five galleries, located in downtown venues ranging from Dorotheergasse to the Dominikanerbastei. Jerome Sans, who is well known in the art scene as the co-founder of the Palais Tokyo in Paris, curated the show Five galleries, five artists – the principle is simple. At first sight it may seem as if the five artists do not have much in common. “But they have one thing in common: they create art without discernible or visual limits”, the curator points out. “Their art has no beginning and no end, similar to happenings, performances, or interactive dialogues among artists and their audience. Their “boundlessness” is expressed through their turning away from Eurocentrism (despite globalization), not only with respect to the origin of the artists, but also of their works. Such as Francisco Valdès (Lukas Feichtner), who photographed Persian carpets and stacked the laminated replicas on a pile. Or Barthélémy Toguo, who presents an – even if somewhat exaggerated – installation on the topic AIDS and the Church in Africa (Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art Vienna). And Hani Rashed’s repainting of staged photographs published in fashion and design magazines –whitewashing the skin with acryl and thereby anonymizing those depicted (Gallery Ernst Hilger). One could argue that Jerome Sans did not make a homogenous choice, and maybe the individual positions tend to separate more than they unite. Despite his curative arbitrariness, Sans articulates a standpoint. And the fact that he also presents works by a European artist - namely Jan Lauwers (Galerie Bleich-rossi) speaks in his favour. Galerie Bleich-Rossi / www.bleich-rossi.at Charim Galerie / www.charimgalerie.at Lukas Feichtner Galerie ( www.feichtnergallery.com Galerie Ernst Hilger / www.hilger.at Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art Vienna / www.galerie-mam.com
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Charim Galerie
1010 Wien, Dorotheergasse 12
Tel: +43 1 512 09 15, Fax: +43 1 512 09 15 50
Email: info@charimgalerie.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr: 11-18h
Sa: 11-14h

LukasFeichtner Galerie
1010 Wien, Seilerstätte 19
Tel: +43 676 3387145
Email: office@feichtnergallery.com
Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Fr 10-18, Sa 10-16

Galerie Ernst Hilger
1010 Wien, Dorotheergasse 5
Tel: +43 512 53 15, Fax: +43 513 91 26
Email: ernst.hilger@hilger.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 11-18, Sa 11-15 h

Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art Vienna
1010 Wien, Weihburgggasse 26
Tel: +43 1 904 2004
Email: office@galerie-mam.com
Öffnungszeiten: Fr-Sa 11-15 h

Galerie Bleich-Rossi
1010 Wien, Dominikanerbastei 19
Tel: +43-676-3569 698
Email: galerie@bleich-rossi.at
Öffnungszeiten: geschlossen

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