
040509: Neue Galerie im Landesmuseum Joanneum: Rewind, Fast Forward – Video art from the collection of the Neue Galerie Graz from 1970 until today

Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum: Rewind, Fast Forward – Video art from the collection of the Neue Galerie Graz from 1970 until today In the magnetic field of the media avant-garde The time to look back at video art seems favourable. The Neue Galerie in Graz is currently presenting an extensive historical panorama of video-based art. Even if the gallery does not offer any headlines, which suggest chapters or linear historic developments, the topical intersections remain recognizable. With challenging works on social developments, curator Günther Holler-Schuster creates one of the core themes. Among these works are those by Rainer Ganahl or Andreas Fogarasi, and the video of the open library in Hamburg by Clegg & Guttmann, 1991. Soon one discovers Marina Grzinic and Aina Smid's reflection of the subversive symbolism of the new Slovenian art - presenting performances by Slavoj Zizek. Topographically well positioned in the entrance hall are works and installations created in accordance with the aesthetics of surveillance. One of the few loans by Julia Scher is her surveillance and reception desk “Superdesk – Security by Julia”, 1993, while Jordan Crandall’s “Drive. Track 3” deals with the topic on large-format projections. Works by Paul Garrin, Peter Fend, and Andrea Fraser are also among the displayed objects. The video “Kapellerstrasse 41” by Richard Kriesche, 1973, has great significance for Graz’ cultural story. With his video, Kriesche called attention to the - until then unknown misery to the public - of the barrack-like housing district of Graz. The work was first shown at trigon 73. Horst Gerhard Haberl introduced an international video art collection assembled for the trigon to Graz. Works by Joan Jonas, Merce Cunningham, Hermine Fried, John Baldessari or Andy Mann were represented at the trigon 73. However, the vision of creating Graz as the capital of the (at that time) new media was never implemented. In the catalogue, Christa Steinle, the current director of the Neue Galerie, mentions that her predecessor Wilfried Skreiner was in quest of the post-war avant-garde, but turned out to be an opponent of video art. As of 1990, Werner Fenz and Peter Weibel pushed for the expansion of the video-collection. Not only does one encounter works by Valie Export or Gunter Brus, Milica Tomic or Trisha Brown, Mike Kelly and Paul McCarthy on the topic “body”, but also Friederike Petzold’s large format work “The new incarnated sign language”, 1973, and Frantisek Lesak’s ironically charged media reflexive work “Demonstrationsfeld”, 1973. One day does not suffice to fully enjoy Dan Graham’s legendary video collage “Rock my religion”, 1982/84, or Bruce Nauman’s and Vito Acconci’s works. But it does not take long to realize that the Neue Galerie unfailingly purchases contemporary works, e.g. by Karina Nimmerfall, reMI, Anya Krautgasser or Norbert Pfaffenbichler, and Lotte Schreiber. The fabulous and extensive exhibition leads to the question why the Neue Galerie, in view of its potential, does not install space designated for permanent video presentations. By Roland Schöny Neue Galerie am landesmuseum Joanneum 8010 Graz, Sackstrasse 16, until 24.05.09. www.neuegalerie.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum
8010 Graz, Sackstrasse 16
Tel: +43 316 82 91 55, Fax: +43 316 81 54 01
Email: post@neuegalerie.stmk.gv.at
Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Sa 9-18, So 9-12 h

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