
230309: Galerie Hubert Winter: Birgit Jürgenssen – Works from the 1980s

Galerie Hubert Winter: Birgit Jürgenssen – Works from the 1980s Formal precision mechanic A gloomy triptych with a crescent moon, flames, a female body, showing a corset instead of the pudenda and jags, which could originate from a buzz saw: all this is unusual for Birgit Jürgenssen (however, this also calls for the perfunctory mentioning of the fact how appallingly underrepresented she is in the Viennese art scene). Jürgenssen’s works currently presented by gallery owner Hubert Winter were created in the 80s. They show Jürgenssen as an artist who was both ahead of her time, as well as committed to the spirit of her time. Her works remind of Tracey Emin, which are admittedly much more explicit, or of Maria Lassnig. Jürgenssen’s precision is proven both in these works as well as in a frieze-like photo showing a rope jumper lying on the floor, with her sport equipment braced around her body like a fetlock. The artist’s projections are less fascinating than this oppressive piece of work. She projects pictures on gold-shining bodies: be it simple signs, or jumping figures. Only their mysterious and sacral-mystic touch go beyond the, at that time, widespread feministic form of body art. Birgit Jürgenssen will continue to offer conundrums to generations of art historians. This fall she would celebrate her 60th birthday. So far none of the numerous museums that devote themselves to 20th century art have adequately presented her oeuvre. Even this year nothing of the sort is planned. This circumstance is nothing less than scandalous. And even at the beginning of the 21st century the question arises, how male artists with a comparable high-quality oeuvre would be presented in Vienna’s art scene. by Nina Schedlmayer Galerie Hubert Winter 1070 Vienna, Breite Gasse 17, until 25.04.09 www.galeriewinter.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Hubert Winter
1070 Wien, Breite Gasse 17
Tel: +43 1 524 09 76, Fax: +43 1 524 09 76 9
Email: office@galeriewinter.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr: 11-18h
Sa 11-14h

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