
090309: Thomas K. Lang Gallery: Jason Bunton – We approach the hollows at dawn

Thomas K. Lang Gallery: Jason Bunton – We approach the hollows at dawn Utopia and rebellion Reminiscences of his youth in the Ozarks, a mountain and forest region in the Midwest, are the central theme of Jason Bunton’s works. This is where he and his friends dreamt up their own fantasy world, which was in sharp contrast to the intolerant country life. Fantasy literature and role-playing scripts offered the cues. Here they met nonconformists, stigmatized creatures, knighted by their traumata, raddled by alcohol and excesses. In Bunton’s paintings, these outcasts of small town universes are depicted as deer and crows. The drawings convey an awareness of life that is closely connected to resistance, rebellion, and corresponding pop- and rock music soundtracks. Bunton’s films are re-enactments of a form of utopia. But the players all wear jeans under their costumes; something which can easily be detected, and they actually know what they are doing. The Ozark plot could easily be transferred to the Wienerwald, and the slogan: “off to the lowlands at dawn” is valid. Monika Schwärzler Thomas K. Lang Gallery 1220 Vienna, Webster University, Berchtoldgasse 1, 3rd Floor, until 20.03.09 www.webster.ac.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Thomas K. Lang Gallery
1220 Wien, Webster University, Berchtoldgasse 1, 3rd Floor
Tel: +43 1 269 9293-0, Fax: +43 1 269 9293-13
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