
090309: Galerie Göttlicher: Sam Ott/Reinisch. Architecture

Galerie Göttlicher: Sam Ott/Reinisch. Architecture Spatial time loop Architecture is a complex and multilayered affair. The stunning and professional photos of completed buildings are actually only the highlights of the final handover. Innumerable decisions and many barriers had to be overcome before this stage was reached. The project path - ranging from the initial idea to the construction site – undergoes many phases of mutations. “One week of designing, three years of planning”, is the rule of thumb for Franz Sam and Irene Ott-Reinisch. Over the past 8 years, more than 150.000 hours of work and a two-digit million-euro sum have been invested into the projects. “Transition”, their exhibition at the Gallery Göttlicher, not only presents what has actually been built, but points to the multilayered relationships, the communication, and the decision processes behind these creations. 20 staff members show their work on the 2.20 m tall vinyl plate hung from the ceiling of the gallery’s old arches, which spans 30 meters in a spiral-formed arc. It took 10 days to complete the layout of this spatial loop, which circles the orbit of the universe of Sam-Ott-Reinisch’s office. The travel through time of this creative cosmos begins in the year 2000 and leads from the mission statement to webcam images of four large construction sites; among them the Kremser Kunstmeile, the Loisium, the Loisium Hotel and the ice rink in St. Pölten. Numerous other projects are also shown at this exhibit - ranging from a purification plant in Niederhollabrunn to a training hotel currently being constructed in Bhutan. This exhibition reminds of a nomad’s carpet into which the most important events of a lifetime are woven. If one follows the initials and the dates, a door of insight opens into the dense net of relations and communication processes – a basis without which architecture would not be possible. By Isabella Marboe Galerie Göttlicher 3500 Krems-Stein, Steiner Landstr. 88, until 21.03.09 www.
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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