
020309: Liechtenstein Museum: On Gold Ground. Italian painting between Gothic tradition and the dawn of Renaissance

Liechtenstein Museum: On Gold Ground. Italian painting between Gothic tradition and the dawn of Renaissance Why go into the blue? The current exhibition at the Liechtenstein Museum offers a chance to learn about Gothic and Renaissance painting. The presentation offers a didactic part with an introduction to gold-ground painting and other details of this art, while another part of the show presents 50 works of Italian artists from the 14th, 15th and 16th century. The Liechtenstein exhibition focuses on the period in which Italian art, mainly in Siena and Florence, were in the transition process from Gothic to Renaissance. At that time, Sienese painters were still working in a Byzantine style and added a golden background to their sacral paintings, while their rival Florentine colleagues were already in a transition phase: human figures were shown more realistically, positioned in a parallel and then in a central perspective. Nature was discovered as a newly staged background and was more appreciated than the shiny metal. But it was the Sienese artist Ambrogio Lorenzetti who painted the first realistic landscape. Gold-ground paintings have been part of the Liechtenstein Collection since the time of Prince Johann II (1840/1858 – 1929), as well as the Academy of Fine Arts portrait gallery, but not in the Art History Museum’s “Imperial Collection”. The pieces shown in this exhibition belong to partners of the Private Art Collections and the Paris-based Gallery Sarti. The audience is thereby offered the rare opportunity to compare top-quality panel paintings originating from a significant art historical era, and to put them into context with other objects, such as the gilded Cassoni (wedding chests), two Tondi by della Robbia and a variety of scriptures. Maria-Gabriela Martinkowic Liechtenstein Museum 1090 Vienna, Fürstengasse 1, until 14.04.09 www.liechtensteinmuseum.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Liechtenstein Museum (geschlossen)
1090 Wien, Fürstengasse 1
Tel: +43 / 1 / 319 57 67 - 252, Fax: +43 / 1 / 319 57 67 - 255
Email: info@liechtensteinmuseum.at
Öffnungszeiten: Freitag bis Dienstag 10.00–17.00 Uhr, Mittwoch und Donnerstag geschlossen

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