
160209: Galerie Area 53 – Papierarbeiten

Galerie Area 53 – Papierarbeiten It doesn’t blush, but it’s not silent The Gallery Area 53 is currently presenting more than 50 artworks by 30 contemporary artists. The exhibit “Papierarbeiten” (paper works) shows the range of artistic expression with the media paper. Bruno Rey’s figurative ballpoint pen drawings “Kopf- und Handarbeit” (mental and hand work) deal with the value of the artist’s self in connection with his occupation. “The Artist of Jam” by Erwin Wurm is delightfully human; and varying everyday emotions are depicted in Patrick Gaumüllers “Papipado”, showing the contrasts among a boozy group of people, as well as in Mathias Pöschl’s “zig”. Florian Lang focuses on the subliminal, increasingly popular area of voyeurism in his work “partnershopping.com(h&m)”. The ambiguity of the desire to be famous as well as its partly negative consequences is encapsulated in this work. The slandering of clerical circles concerning sexual intercourse is to be found continuously – both unofficially as well as officially. Hari Schütz’s “o.T.”-construction of these “dealings” in sacred halls makes this very clear. Whoever thinks that paper is silent and doesn’t blush may be right. However, the expressiveness of these works is all but that. Who has not wanted to express something with, or on, a piece of paper? Alexander Lass Galeria Area 53 1060 Vienna, Gumpendorfer Strasse 53, until 27.02.09 www. area53.name
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Area 53
1060 Wien, Gumpendorfer Straße 53
Email: thearea53@gmail.com
Öffnungszeiten: geschlossen

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