
190109: Strategies of refraction

Strategies of refraction “What’s that to me” is the title of Hubert Kiecol’s installation (2007) presented in the inner courtyard of the old Tiroler Landhaus. The installation enters into an irritating dialogue with the surrounding baroque architecture. For his current exhibition showing works by the German sculptor, gallery owner Johann Widauer did not want to only have the model for this installation - he is also presenting Kiecol’s more recent glass and steel sculptures in their original size. The absence of mirroring and refraction of facades on their glass surfaces lets them unfold a completely different, and maze-like effect, allowing them to solely concentrate on themselves. Tipped windows, as for example in “Morgen oder Übermorgen” (Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow) simulate an outlook or insight, while only cogitations regarding the reciprocity between architecture and sculpture open up. In the 1980s Kiecol created completely closed miniature houses made of concrete. Günther Förg’s paintings are characterized by poetry, obviously through his close cooperation with the authors Anrold Stadler or Günther Herburger. The painter reacts to Herburger’s text (on Förg’s artist life) with the “Trilogie der Tatzen” (“Trilogy of the paws” 2008) currently shown by the Gallery Thoman. These works also convey another one of Förg’s artistic passions: the reference to, and the breaking up of art historic positions. In this case Pointillism, which he faces with blurred brush strokes on white canvas or different coloured base coats, as well as with consciously displayed naivety. However, sometimes this does come across as rather robust and not as rhythmical – the implication of playfulness – as suggested in the title - is subject to a sobriety, which has become cumbersome. It tries to draw energy out of the abstraction, for which it doesn’t always find sufficient amounts. Ivona Jelcic Hubert Kiecol Galerie Johann Widauer, Innsbruck, until 31.01. 09 www.widauer.at Günther Förg – Die Trilogie der Tatzen Galerie Elisabeth & Klaus Thoman, Innsbruck, until 24.01.09 www.galeriethoman.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Elisabeth & Klaus Thoman
6020 Innsbruck, Maria-Theresien Straße 34
Tel: +43-1-512 -57 57 85, Fax: +43-1-512 -57 57 85 13
Email: galerie@galeriethoman.com
Öffnungszeiten: Mi-Fr 12-14 h

Galerie Johann Widauer
6020 Innsbruck, Erlerstraße 13
Tel: +43/512/583848, +43/664/4330550
Email: office@galeriewidauer.com
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Do 14-16, Fr 9-13 h

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