translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville,
190109: Bank vault of the BA-CA Kunstforum – Lucia Nimcová III
Bank vault of the BA-CA Kunstforum – Lucia Nimcová III
Cow on drugs
A woman breaks an egg into a pan. A girl pulls a piece of chewing gum out of her mouth. A fly whirs around. Why the Czechoslovakian authorities censored these film scenes seems rather puzzling. Lucia Nimcová made a video out of these scenes, where they appear as totally innocuous. But they clearly show the system’s paranoia. A good example is the film about drug prevention: at first there is a long narration on how a cow got hold of hallucinogens and becomes addicted, followed by pictures of wild parties and youths. Nimcová mainly works with archive material, with found footage and photos of, for example, her hometown – a bleak area, whose inhabitants either go hunting or get drunk. A meticulously arranged photo depicts a baby positioned between a gun and antlers; another sits on a table between glasses and bottles, which definitely not filled with apple cider. At another place, Nimcová lets a group of men pose in semblance of an official photograph, and takes a video of the scene - thereby making otherwise nearly imperceptible insecurities visible. Unfortunately, the meaning of a large part of the works shown at this exhibition remains hidden. Art, which deals so intensely with the memories and politics, desperately needs detailed descriptions. But the only text you will find in this presentation is printed in small letters on the invitation; the individual works are not described. One has to research all the information in the catalogue, which, however, also does not have enough concrete details to offer. It is unfortunate, that this aspect was neglected for such an exciting artist.
Nina Schedlmayer
Tresor (bank vault) im BA-CA Kunstforum
1010 Vienna, Freyung 8, until 25.01.09
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville
Tresor im Bank Austria Kunstforum
1010 Wien, Freyung 8
Tel: +43 1 537 33 26, Fax: +43 1 537 33 18
Öffnungszeiten: täglich 10-19, Fr 10-21 h
Tresor im Bank Austria Kunstforum
1010 Wien, Freyung 8
Tel: +43 1 537 33 26, Fax: +43 1 537 33 18
Öffnungszeiten: täglich 10-19, Fr 10-21 h