
100109: Strabag Kunstforum: Strabag Artaward 08 – Nieves Salzmann – Traces

Strabag Kunstforum: Strabag Artaward 08 – Nieves Salzmann – Traces Free-flowing borders. Or when painting turns into sculpture Salzmann’s current works show rows of houses and streets – all empty and abandoned, grey and drab. Although the paintings are figurative they also show abstract elements, out of which the composition then emerges; covered with a kind of blurred patina. Some of Salzmann’s works are fascinating – but only if their elements act in their own capacity – such as, for example, two paintings, painted on thick wood and positioned in the exhibition hall at an angle, or the painting, which is cut into stripes and hangs from the ceiling. This positioning enables the works to design the space itself, and offer exciting insight into other, virtual spaces. They would, however, be much less convincing, if they were only hung on a wall. The motives of Salzmann’s paintings, as well as the way she deals with their capacity, levels, and surfaces are proof of her talent. Lets hope that she will continue to let her talent flow into her works. Wolfgang Pichler Strabag Kunstforum 1220 Vienna, Donau-City Strasse 9, until 16.01.09 www.strabag-kunstforum.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Strabag Kunstforum
1220 Wien, Donau-City Straße 9
Tel: +43-1-224 22-1848, Fax: +43-1-224 22-1847
Email: kunstforum@strabag.com
Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Do 9-17, Fr 9-12 h

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