
151208: Bawag Contemporary: Christoph Weber

Bawag Contemporary: Christoph Weber Traces of the material In May 1968, the barricades in Paris were actually quotes, and their context was history: their chaotic and spontaneous positioning served more as a historic reprimand than a defence against the counterrevolutionary evil. They activated the cultural remembrance of another hugely important event: the Paris Commune. In 1871 the uprising was violently broken and Christoph Weber extracted a cobblestone from the exact location where the last barricade was set up. The artist replicated the cobblestone out of papier maché by using pages from French books dating up to 1871. A huge pile of these paper stones is now exhibited at the BAWAG Contemporary in Vienna. Agitators during the Thirty Years War had to do without words – too many people at that time were illiterate. They were therefore the first to employ caricatures and copperplate printed flyers. Weber enlarged and filled an entire wall with copper stripes, symbolising the rising smoke clouds depicted on one of these drawing from 1631. A third creation by Weber shows groups of dented metal sheets either stacked, hanged, or piled. Weber’s specific handling of these materials does not only uncover surfaces, but also social history. The traces in the material seem to relate to those marks, which remain in a social context. Bawag Contemporary 1060 Vienna, Barnabitengasse 11-13, until 14.01.09 www.bawagcontemporary.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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BAWAG P.S.K. Contemporary
1010 Wien, Franz Josefs Kai 3
Öffnungszeiten: täglich 14-20h

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