
151208: Secession: Sharon Lockhart

Secession: Sharon Lockhart Union Art Films and photographs by the American artist Sharon Lockhart, born 1964, are currently shown at the Secession. Over the period of an entire year Lockhart worked at a wharf in Maine, positioned herself in front of the wharf’s entrance gate, and also analysed the goings-on in the corridors, the staffrooms, as well as taking close-ups of the dirtied faces of the workers. She created two films and three photo series on this topic. A lengthy 80-minute tracking shot observes the workers during their lunch break. The lunch box content is photographed in detail, as is the coffee and snack bar. And for the course of an entire week Lockhart filmed the staff as they dispersed upon leaving the wharf after hours. But when do these people actually work? Do they only eat, rest, and then leave? Is this really meant to be a documentation of a working-class environment? Apparently this is the working-class environment, and Lockhart is presenting the achievements of 150 years of social battles. The harsh reality, as it is presented here, is under the guardianship of social democracy, and it is really worthwhile to demonstrate the fruits of “having a break”. Today’s social realism is called Union Art. Was that really the intention? Secession 1010 Vienna, Freidrichstrasse 12, until 18.01.09 www.secession.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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1010 Wien, Friedrichstrasse 12
Tel: +43 1 587 53 07, Fax: +43 1 587 53 07-34
Email: office@secession.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-So 14-18 h

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