
151208: Albertina: After 1970 – Austrian Art in the Albertina

Albertina: After 1970 – Austrian Art in the Albertina Characteristic inconsequence Some things cannot be mentioned often enough. Albertina director Klaus Albrecht Schröder for example, does not become tired of emphasising that drawings “must be taken out of their isolation”. A successful approach – at least for the recent Van Gogh exhibition. Drawings and paintings were juxtaposed in a way that they recharged each other – a phenomenon that, however, does not function at all in the exhibition “After 1970 – Austrian Art in the Albertina”. Although works by such artists as Ulrike Lienbacher, Sonja Gangl, and Adriana Czernin, who have decisively chosen drawings as their artistic medium, are included, a large part of the exhibition shows works by the members of the Group St. Stephan or a group of the Austrian Neue Wilde. Both movements became known through their gestural-abstract paintings, but not through their drawings. It is simply an alibi to present a few paper works by these artists. Admittedly, the selection of every group exhibit can be criticised, and usually one could easily suggest a different selection. But at this exhibit, it remains completely unclear what the exhibition is aiming at. If it was planned to show a valid overview of Austrian art after 1970, then essential positions ranging from Birgit Jürgenssen and VALIE EXPORT, Peter Kogler and Eva Schlegel to gelitin and Dorit Margreiter are missing. And only a few works by the internationally most renowned artists Franz West and Erwin Wurm are jammed into a narrow throughway. Instead quite a few – at best - regionally known artists are represented. They do, however, primarily dedicate their work to the graphic arts. But if one would have really wanted to put together a show focussing on graphic art, the renowned painters from the 1960s – and 1980s were superfluous. Therefore this exhibition remains absolutely inconsequential. Albertina 1010 Vienna, Albertinaplatz 1, until 11.01.09 www.albertina.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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1010 Wien, Albertinaplatz 1
Tel: +43 1 534 83 -0, Fax: +43 1 533 76 97
Email: info@albertina.at
Öffnungszeiten: Tägl. 10-18h, Mi 10-21 h

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