
081208: Artbits Galerie: Peter Rigaud – Vienna, Quiet Days in the Cliché

Artbits Galerie: Peter Rigaud – Vienna, Quiet Days in the Cliché Cliché at an advanced level In this exhibition the photographer Peter Rigaud shows marvellous cliché-photographs of Vienna. Every single one of them are snap-shots, none are construed or digitally improved. This is stereotype Vienna all over – showing a selection ranging from a Lipizzaner horse to a coffee shop. You won’t see Vienna through the eyes of non-Viennese, but Vienna seen by Viennese; or at least what they consider to be Vienna. This exhibition shows what is seemingly different or can only be seen here - a cliché on an advanced level. The reality as well as the artificiality of the depicted clichés is most visible in the photo showing one of the famous Lipizzaner horses in a special horse solarium: immersed in the pink light the horse is catching some sun and warmth to prepare for the cold Vienna winter. The kitschy character of the photo is only broken by the company logo positioned in the centre. Another photo shows an elderly man sleeping in a coffee shop, a newspaper placed on the table next to him. The photo is completely timeless, only the fashion gives a hint about our time; the motive itself goes back to the turn of the century. The works shown here have a documentary undertone and don’t aim at being art, a fact that enhances the aesthetic joy of viewing these works. Artbits Galerie 1070 Vienna, Lindengasse 28, until 13. 12. 08 www. artbits.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Artbits Galerie
1070 Wien, Lindengasse 28
Tel: +43-1-526 76 23, Fax: +43-1-522 72 92
Email: info@artbits.at
Öffnungszeiten: Mi-Fr 14-19, Sa 11-15 h

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