
011208: Palais de Tokyo: From One Revolution to Another – Carte Blanche à Jeremy Deller

Palais de Tokyo: From One Revolution to Another – Carte Blanche à Jeremy Deller Asking the right question “A good ‘Carte Blanche’ depends on the artist. He will present his choice of art, and will not let himself be controlled by directors or curators of the museum. It is a very personal project in a public space”, said Jeremy Deller in an interview about his Carte Blanche at the Palais de Tokyo. The British winner of the prestigious Turner-prize (2004) was given free rein for his presentation in the lower rooms of the Palais. “From One Revolution to Another” explores the influence of the Industrial Revolution on the last decades of cultural history, and puts together works from Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union. Deller selected pieces from various archives for this exhibition. By choosing groups and artists who have little to do with the mainstream, he aims at praising the entire creative production potential of a society. The exhibit places pop culture, folk art, and everyday creative potential of the so-called ‘Underground’ in the centre of attention. Innumerable colourful banners made by Ed Hall hang from the ceiling and convey the feeling of a folk festival. Only when you read what is written on these banners does the political and social commitment over the last 20 years in England become clear. The “Folk Archive”, which Deller put together with Alan Kane some time ago, is shown in Paris and functions in a similar way. It presents a collection of contemporary folk art and celebrates Great Britain’s creativity, focussing on activities such as political statements, performances, objects, and poetic contributions mainly produced by untrained “outsider” artists. The creative music potential is represented by showing the beginnings of French rock, the proletarian background of British pop music, and a selection of sound experiments made in the Soviet Union during the 1920s – all with the help of archive material, photographs, memorabilia, and videos. But can Jeremy Deller change the view we have of the already established canon on high art, folk art or possibly even Kitsch? Can the British artist bring the areas of “mainstream” and “underground” a little closer to us? The question is, do we as observers, actually want that? Maybe the goal of this exhibit is to make us reflect on which role “underground” played in our society? Presumably this is the question this exhibition is asking the visitor. Palais de Tokyo 75116 Paris, 13 Avenue de President Wilson, until 04.01.09 www.palaisdetokyo.com
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Palais de Tokyo
75116 Paris, 13 avenue du président Wilson
Tel: +33-1-4723 5401, Fax: +33-1-4720 1531
Email: cotact@palaisdetokyo.com

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