
241108: Georg Kargl Fine Arts: Lisa Ruyter – Atoms for Peace

Georg Kargl Fine Arts: Lisa Ruyter – Atoms for Peace Transfer of perception For more than ten years the American artist Lisa Ruyter has consequently dealt with the primacy of painting and its inevitable relationship to photographic models and likenesses. These snapshots are the basis for the pictorial remembrance of moments transferred to large-scale tableaux by the artist, which in hindsight are always fragments of reality. Ruyter's characteristic contouring of individual image areas, each covered with colours reflecting a special colour scale typical for her, produce supernatural scenes of a world, which is continuously under media surveillance. Fashion shows, parties or cemeteries - the themes are always linked to socio-political events, in which all private or public aspects merge. For the current exhibit at Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Ruyter used photos, shot at a conference held at the Atomic Energy Organisation in Vienna. The commonly used bright neon colours are less accentuated in this artistic documentation of the scientific and political acts, thereby underlining the alleged seriousness of the event. But Ruyter’s paintings are proof of her masterful employment of colour, in which the content of the paintings serve as a transparency for a surrealistic transfer of reality. The proportionality of the works is confirmed by the way they are distributed within the gallery and offer a conclusive scenario in connection to the subject of the exhibit. Ruyter's work not only enriches the gallery, but also the entire Viennese art scene. Georg Kargl Fine Arts 1040 Vienna, Schleifmühlgasse 5, until 11.01.09 www.georgkargl.com
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Galerie Georg Kargl
1040 Wien, Schleifmühlgasse 5
Tel: +43 1 585 41 99, Fax: +43 1 /585 41 99-9
Email: office@georgkargl.com
Öffnungszeiten: Mi-Fr 13-19
Sa 11-16h sowie nach Vereinbarung

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