
171108: Strabag Kunstforum: Strabag Artaward 08 – Markus Proschek – Deadlock (Patt)

Strabag Kunstforum: Strabag Artaward 08 – Markus Proschek – Deadlock (Patt) Of skilful dealings with “empty” spaces and their history The eerie but beautiful tidiness and emptiness immediately leap out at the observer when viewing the wonderful and technically perfect oil paintings by Markus Proschek (born 1981). His works never include the depiction of living creatures, only statues reminding of the 1930s and 40s Nazi-Realism. It seems as if only surrogates fill or precisely don’t fill the space, while only the space itself is of importance. Space filled with history or traces of history. The works by the artist, who is definitely a worthy prize winner, allude to history in a meticulous manner. Ranging from a fragment reminding of a 1930 Merzbau (Merz Building) to a lounge-landscape of the 70s, one detects all kinds of familiar architecture. Spaces itself develops into the actual protagonist, since all of the figures, as far as there are any, are only static and part of the setting. These “idylls” are then skilfully deconstructed with minor, but disturbing variations. In one of his most remarkable works, Proschek shows a museum room located in the Haus der Kunst and built by the Nazis, where instead of the large centrally positioned painting, you will only find a blank area. These paintings and their omissions force the onlooker to deal with these blank areas, these eliminated essentialities of art history. His works could be a starting point to grapple with the traces and continuities of so-called “Nazi art”. Proschek’s paintings make it clear that there is no such thing as empty rooms, every object communicates some form of history and meaning, and one should learn to face this history instead of simply denying its existence. Strabag Kunstforum 1220 Vienna, Donau-City Strasse 9, until 28. 11. 08 www.strabag-kunstforum.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Strabag Kunstforum
1220 Wien, Donau-City Straße 9
Tel: +43-1-224 22-1848, Fax: +43-1-224 22-1847
Email: kunstforum@strabag.com
Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Do 9-17, Fr 9-12 h

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