
101108: Layr Wüstenhagen: horror vacui; Volkskundemuseum: Places of Worship. Interreligious prayer rooms at airports. Andreas Duscha

Layr Wüstenhagen: horror vacui; Volkskundemuseum: Places of Worship. Interreligious prayer rooms at airports. Andreas Duscha More than miles In times in which art Biennials are organized on every part of the planet, “frequent flyer columns” are published in German art magazines, and every year a different country experiences an art-industry hype, jet-setting is obviously considered as one of the fundamentals for a successful participation in the art scene. For the past years, the work of the artist group mahoney deals with the phenomenon of travel, but not so much with its Miles-&-More-stress. Their exhibit at the Layr Wüstenhagen focuses on the “moment of yearning” as the driving force of travelling: the Danish singer Kristian Kristensen sings “utopian songs” in Christodoulos Panayiotou’s sound-work such as: “Somewhere over the Rainbow”, as an ode to an imaginary destination; Michael Müller juxtaposes the scientific view of a distant galaxy with an illustration of itself, thereby demonstrating the meaning of relativity and power of imagination offered by science. Mahoney – once again – dedicated their work to the globalisation-project “potato”. They constructed arm chairs, the type one would find in British clubs, with potato sacks, and formed beautiful shapes with the their peelings. mahoney member Andreas Duscha shows unemotional photographs of interreligious prayer rooms at airports. He presents them on light boxes, which are at the same time the only source of light within the entire space. The atmosphere actually has a more sacral effect than the prayer rooms themselves. Their aesthetics have more to say about the insecurity of “equal rights” among religions and even about neglect: in some prayer rooms kitschy-esoteric glass windows attempt to create some form of atmosphere, in others one simply settles for chunky tables and chairs. However, Duscha’s presentation of slides depicting the more hectic parts of airports is overkill, but it doesn’t harm the conciseness of his “Places of Worship”. layr:wuestenhagen contemporary An der Hülben 2, 1010 Vienna, until 08.11.2008 www.layrwuestenhagen.com Österreichisches Museum für Volkskunde Laudongasse 15-19, 1080 Vienna, until 16.11.2008 www.volkskundemuseum.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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