
101108: fluc: Urban signs – Local strategies

fluc: Urban signs – Local strategies Crossing, star, and club The location of the disco-club fluc always had a thematic importance. Located at the heterogeneous urban crossing of Vienna’s Praterstern, fluc had its first temporary address under the railway arches, and is now situated at a former pedestrian underpass characterized by its rather crude architecture. The area attracts a mix of those visiting the Prater, commuters, homeless, people living in the district, construction workers, and youths. The display of temporary artistic interventions in these urban surroundings promises an exciting interaction. Eight works, all focusing on urban themes, are exhibited in this public space, curated by Ursula Maria Probst, Walter Seidl and Martin Wagner. At times the works remain – through their exclusively coded reference to the club context – at different levels in their self-referential language. Some of the works convey the duality of “going out at night” and the connection to nature, which characterizes the large parts of the Prater area. Some of the exhibited pieces encourage a spontaneous communication among the passers-by - in their mutual attempt to decode the displayed art. Another aspect is the commercialising of the outside area especially with respect to outside advertisement. The (possibly) most coherent work springs from the location: the traffic junction and the recoding of the acoustic rhythm of the Soundscape Praterstern and its various levels of perception. fluc 1010 Vienna, Bahnhof Praterstern adjacent to the bicycle underpass, until 22. 11. 2008 www.fluc.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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fluc - Vorplatz
1020 Wien, Praterstern

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