
03.11.08: Märkisches Museum / Stadtmuseum Berlin: Berlin in the light

Märkisches Museum / Stadtmuseum Berlin: Berlin in the light Wotan and the incandescent mantle The exhibit “Berlin in the light” at the Märkische Museum offers a fabulous overview of how lighting accentuates a modern metropolis. Among the more than 1.400 objects displayed visitors have the rare opportunity to see original incandescent gas light mantles, “Wotan” and “Auer-glow lamps” dating back to the days of transformer stations and large gasometers, neon chandeliers (1920) once installed at the Shell house, electric water kettles designed by Peter Behrens, advertisement posters for the German public utility company AEG (Allgemeine Elektrizitätsgesellschaft), and Edvard Munch’s portrait of the young Walter Rathenau, son of the AEG boss, and who was later Germany’s foreign minister. Photo series depict scenes about the everyday life of Berlin lamp factory employees, as well as the plight of these workers, in their dingy and badly lit quarters. The exhibit also deals with special topics focusing on the importance of lighting, without which life in a metropolis would be unthinkable: the legendary Berlin casinos and cabarets in the wild twenties, neon advertising, and backlit office facades. The exhibit spans from the Weimar Republic’s glamorous lighting to Albert Speer’s “Light Domes”, the blackout during the “Total war” - sadly succeeded by the gleaming lights mounted on the Berlin Wall. Märkisches Museum / Stadtmuseum Berlin 10179 Berlin, Am Köllnischen Park 5, until 01.02. 09 www.stadtmuseum.de
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Märkisches Museum / Stadtmuseum Berlin
10179 Berlin, Am Köllnischen Park 5
Tel: +49 (0)30 24002-162
Email: info@stadtmuseum.de
Öffnungszeiten: Di, Do, So 10:00 - 18:00, Mi 12:00 - 20:00, Fr, Sa 14:00 - 22:00

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