
271008: Galerie im Taxispalais: Mladen Stilinovic

Galerie im Taxispalais: Mladen Stilinovic Something is rotten If money is the origin of all evil, as the placard posted in the lower hall claims, then this gallery must be the stronghold of all evil. With his installations “Money Environment” and “In God we trust”, the artist Mladen Stilinovic deals with the value of money. By referring to the words “in God we trust”, printed onto every dollar banknote, he hopes that at least the value won’t go down the drain, as was the case in the post Yugoslavian economic fiasco with the 5000-dinar notes depicting Tito’s counterfeit The current international financial crisis grants this part of the exhibit an vivid actuality, especially since Stilinovic enjoys subtracting zeros from zeros. In the 70s Stilinovic was a member of the artist group “Sestorice Autora” which questioned the socialistic and post socialistic system in many respects. The photo series “Umjetnik radi” (= the artist at work) depicts the artist in his sleep. Laziness, as a prerequisite for intellectual work, did not at all correspond with the ideological definition of work in the socialist era. His photo series “First of May 1975” show a banner with the words “Ado loves Stipa” (a declaration of love for his wife) wrapped around a tree and stretched across an entire road, thereby disrupting the stereotype everyday design dominant during the Tito-era. The current socio-political misery dominating his home country is the basis for his newest works, such as the installation “Bag People”. The artist photographed people trying to sell their meagre possessions, which are all gathered in plastic bags, in a suburb of Zagreb. On the backside of the photographs he posted newspaper articles about his country’s economic instability. The installation “Open to public debate” made of labelled cardboard boxes, offers slogans used by the Yugoslav regime – and, once again everything is money-related. In “Pjevaj” (= sing!) the artist is depicted with a banknote stuck to his forehead; a common practice in Eastern Europe, aimed at motivating musicians to continue playing. At the entrance to the exhibit a video shows a frog croaking “Great show”: he is absolutely right. Galerie im Taxispalais 6020 Innsbruck, Maria-Theresien Str. 45, until 02.11.08 www.galerieimtaxispalais.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Taxispalais Kunsthalle Tirol
6020 Innsbruck, Maria-Theresien-Str. 45
Tel: +43 512 594 89 401
Email: info@taxispalais.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-So 11-18, Do 11-20 Uhr

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