
201008: hilger contemporary: Spencer Tunick – Vienna

hilger contemporary: Spencer Tunick – Vienna Crowds and individuals The American photo and performance artist Spencer Tunick is currently displaying his most recent works at the hilger contemporary; they were all created in Vienna this summer. Masses of nudes posed for Tunick’s installation at the Ernst Happel football stadium. However, the occasion for this work –the European Football Championships 2008 – turned out to be a significant weakness of Tunick’s otherwise very successful works. In the stadium, contrary to his works created in the vicinity of a city, the nudes seem rather lost and not at all disturbing. The highlight of the exhibit is a photo of an old naked man, with a beard and long white hair, in the middle of the street, resembling a stranded sea god caught in a net. Another work shows a domino-like chain of people who have fallen over and are lying right across Vienna’s Josefstädterstrasse, with two taxis seemingly impeded by this nude-hindrance. The artist gained fame with his mass installations in public spaces. Here he stages hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of people without clothes in such a way that an abstract 'sculpture' of nudes evolves. The exhibit at hilger contemporary offers an exceptional opportunity to become acquainted with Tunick’s less spectacular installations. And it is definitely worth getting to know the other Tunick. hilger contemporary 1010 Vienna, Dorotheergasse 5, until 4. 11. 2008 www.hilger.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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hilger contemporary
1010 Wien, Dorotheergasse 5
Tel: +43-1512 53 15, Fax: +43-1-513 91 26
Email: contemporary@hilger.at
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