
201008: Kunsthaus Graz: Life? Biomorphic forms in sculpture

Kunsthaus Graz: Life? Biomorphic forms in sculpture Sculpture, locked in a showcase The Kunsthaus Graz deals with the topic of the exhibit “Biomorphic forms in sculpture” in an old-fashioned and unspectacular way. A classic example is the work by the Chinese artist Xiao Yu: his bizarre “Aliens”, made of anatomic specimens, set off vehement controversies. However, his small goose-bump triggering sculptures are displayed on traditional pedestals in glass cases similar to the way they would be presented in a natural history museum. Biomorphism defines the transition from one state to the next, or the assimilation of a body shape to predefined conditions (of life). Among the works shown are Eva Helene Stern’s textile sculptures or Gerold Harold’s creations, in which he equates genetics and politics. Korean-born Lee Bul presents sculptural creations of a new man/machine (cyborg) composition floating in the air, a kind of over-artificial winged creature. Berlinde de Bruyckere’s life-like and cadaverous sculptures make a precarious impression. Next to the horribly mutilated body of a horse, she shows a monumental wax sculpture in a glass showcase. Does all of this, according to Zygmunt Bauman, symbolize a kind of “castaway life” or “human trash”? It is difficult to escape from the force of the sculptor’s work as it is from the thesis of the sociologist. In the meantime, sculpture reflects on its materiality and thereby draws on a new quality, which in turn awakens emotions und brings up difficult ethical questions. Kunsthaus Graz 8020 Graz, Lendkai 1, until 11. 01. 2009 www.kunsthausgraz.at
Mehr Texte von translated and summarized by: Liz Wollner-Grandville


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Kunsthaus Graz
8020 Graz, Lendkai 1
Tel: +43/316/8017-9200, Fax: +43/316/8017-9800
Email: info@kunsthausgraz.at
Öffnungszeiten: Di-So 10-18, Do 10-20 Uhr

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